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Everything posted by HillarysSnatch

  1. Keep up the great work you guys do a great fucking job
  2. you guys should do ark, I would love that shit please look into that ty
  3. Was wondering if dayz cheese would be coming back soon:(
  4. The esp is very nice and super helpful, I use it to tell my friends when to run from the killer I love that so much the only problem I have with the esp is the color of the hatch is sometimes hard to see The blood point thing is a life saver I cant tell you how much time that has saved me 10/10 The only two problems i have with this cheese is that the flashlight aimbot is a bit off, and one more thing after hours of gameplay the cheese makes the game run sluggish and feels like its being played at low fps, I also talked to someone in the discord about this I'm not sure if I should just restart my game and inject again hopefully you guys can improve it tysm for everything you guys have done much love I rate this a 8/10
  5. Game: Rust Engine: Unity Reason: because hardly anyone has cheats for this game, and i feel like you could do some cool ass shit with it and a bunch of people would hop on that, and people who do have cheats or recoil things are way to expensive
  6. Was just curious on the setup and how you use your apex cheese I’m gonna buy it soon and was just curious on what everyone sets theirs to! Ty
  7. I thought it was supposed to be paused if the cheat was down 24 hours? Why is my cheat still active if I can’t even use it
  8. I have made a support ticket It's easier if I could talk to someone I cant figure this out
  9. can you someone add me on discord and help me please??
  10. Have fun finding something safe and cheap Battle eye is gonna double everyone's prices
  11. I'm buying that bitch once it says it up
  12. Ohhh okay hahah I was like, Oh shit was I doing it wrong that whole time haha
  13. Hello everyone, I’ve been here for awhile now never knew this was a thing. But here I am I enjoy gaming as I assume most people do here. I mostly play tarkov legit and non legit IVE been using chods since I heard of them almost a year ago I love it so much best staff 10/10. But I hope everyone is having a great day can’t wait for EFT cheats to come back up!<3
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