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paddyy last won the day on September 2 2019

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  1. 1. Destiny 2 2. Bungies proprietary Engine 3. Proprietary AC after moving away from Battlenet It may be mostly PVE centered, but there was (or is again soon) a huge PVP community which was very competitive and it's free to play so there are enough potential customers and it looks like there aren't many D2 Cheats available, so there's a new and fairly unsaturated market for a game with huge concurrent player count. (especially chinese/asian area) Destiny 2 Steam Playercount 1. Squad 2. Unreal Engine 4 3. EAC Not really sure about this, because the playercount is relatively small and the game is still in Beta, but it can be competitive and many people who haven't heard from something like Arma take it very serious, so there is a small but possible market for this game.
  2. Even if it costs 100 which it wont, i'll easily earn it back in a few days by selling Roubles if i want to.
  3. Seems like a "new age" for cheesing has begun, now with even more quality and security thanks to the coders and especially Chods hard work. ❤️
  4. Nice, great work guys. Now we can begin experiencing a new "cheese age" thanks to your new solid cheese foundation which we can rely on.
  5. Idk where you got this Information from but i've never seen this stated before, so its just pure speculation. @somemax You know you can easily name yourself like a Scav. @Bismarck They are scammers, that people actually still fall for their tricks is a wonder.
  6. You know he isnt part of the team, right. @fsxnerd
  7. The Design looks nice, finally some relieve, the next 2 weeks are gonna be nice with 0.12 AND tasty cheese around the corner.
  8. Probably, only something for the Devs.
  9. I used ESP , Silent Aim And stuff like Door unlocker and sometimes Speed Hack, never got banned once, i even used the "risky" Spawn Item so often that i lost track of it.
  10. I can get a fairly decent Mobo for 100 to 200$
  11. We all already know that BSG replaced their shitty "Sabertooth/Saberclaw" (idk how they called it) with BattlEye, we all can come to the point and say that BE will be a bigger headache than the joke of their old in-house AC. So, we need to keep in mind, that there is now a higher chance of getting banned, i informed myself a little bit and have seen that there are some threads discussing about the BE HWID bans, some ppl claim that you could get a new (HWID) one by formatting your drive while other deem it as useless since it blacklists your Hardcoded Serial Disk number on the firmware which is allegedly not changeable but on the other hand some claim you could. I am a little bit confused about this, so can you now change your HWID or do you need to buy a new HDD each time you get an HWID ban or are there other ways to bypass this besides Spoofing and changeing some PC parts.
  12. Lol, has this now become Facebook.


    GIB WIPE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つGIB WIPE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つGIB WIPE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

    GIB WIPE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つGIB WIPE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つGIB WIPE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

    GIB WIPE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つGIB WIPE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つGIB WIPE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

  13. Looked around on the EFT Forum and looks like you are an extremely unlucky dude. 229 - Profile is banned It's unclear if BSG issues HWID bans, but it's unlikely. There was a Guide which tells you what you need to do after getting banned.
  14. I spent a few minutes in Photoshop to edit some Fan Art and this came out. Originalartist: https://www.artstation.com/alexursegov
  15. We will all get compensated for the downtime of the cheat. Heard someone important say, that your months (keys probably) are going to stay the same. May price increase but the same subscription model in the current form stays how it is.
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