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Everything posted by NovicaneZero

  1. That unfortunately the risk with being a large EFT provider, we will rebuild and as always all downtime is compensated. If you want a sub change make a support ticket.
  2. Cod games have a very short lifespan too. Keep that in mind.
  3. Currently there are none, all cheats are public ATM
  4. Why do you think you have any idea whats going on with our testing?
  5. The reports I read of people staying HWID banned after raid 0 are on a competitors forum, other staff have said and witnessed the same thing. Like I said if it works for you then that's awesome.
  6. I will not link to or post about our competitors and their customers, if it works for you then great, keep in mind this information is a few weeks old.
  7. Check BSG's Twitter they already patched that and banned all users
  8. It loses all "Undetectability" if you run it from main pc BE already scans internet tabs for popular cheat provider names and flags your account.
  9. No please read the guides under the support tab, You only need to launch the cheat every time you launch the game.
  10. I will further elaborate, my last ban was Jan 2nd ban wave I wasn't using a spoofer and was able to buy a new account and play without a spoofer just fine.
  11. There are many factors involved and I have read many ban report stating that the first ban typically isnt a HWID ban. I personally have 3 EOD accounts banned on one machine all using stock HWID and I am still able to play without a spoofer. Your mileage may vary.
  12. BE typically doesn't HWID fist time, that being said I would highly recommend using the spoofer, however it's status is unknown atm. Many people are reporting that it works fine. I hope this info helps you make a decision one way or the other. Have a great day.
  13. Go to in game setting and disable ram cleaner and use physical cores. Should fix you right up if not make a ticket : )
  14. Most EFT cheats went up after the addition of BattlEye now the market average is around $100/ month Also it is very hard to make a safe cheat for Battleye hence the increase in price.
  15. BattlEye does most of the bans now and so far we haven't had any bans.
  16. BE bans don't transfer, I don't play arma but I do play siege and that account is safe
  17. Someone will make a video once we have more features.
  18. We are having troubles with discord invites ATM please be patient.
  19. Welcome to the community. There is a discord for customers.
  20. The spoofer is unknown, tarkov is disabled briefly for an update.
  21. Please be aware the spoofer status is currently unknown, you can check status at any time on the cheat status page.
  22. BE can and will on occasion log GPU,Mobo, cpu, and ram serial numbers not just ssd's.... So it stands to reason that changing your SSD serial numbers to all 0000000 won't help in those instances. BE has Google just like you do.
  23. Please don't spread false information
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