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Hami last won the day on March 22 2019

Hami had the most liked content!


About Hami

  • Birthday May 13

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Hami's Achievements

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  1. Use a middle man to protect yourself this is a new user and his only post no rep
  2. Hi im looking for any type of tarkove account my price range is about 35 USD or bellow (possibly negotiable) REQUIREMENTS -middleman trade -email access
  3. can you check thee most recent banwave if account is still good to use if so pm me im interested
  4. spare an f in chat for a fallen brother :)
  5. Hello chod community, Im hami as you can tell and im trying to put together and execute a giveaway for tarkov. Limited to in game items but I wanted feed back on possible items. Items so I have to give away far: -Keys --Lab keys --Marked room key -Roubles --2m+ (if anyone is willing to help out) -Usd --2k+ (if anyone is willing to help out) -Weapons --M4's --SA-58's --Event Weapons --Hk's --MP7's --RPK's -Bitcoins -Cases --Items case --Weapons case I'm giving away the items above but anyone is welcome to donate items and claim credit on the giveaway post when it happens. Anyone wanting to donate items please contact me via discord (Hameeh#4386) and we can set up a trade day and you will also get credit on the giveaway post! Thank you all for reading and the give away will be scheduled to START on March 22nd. Have a great day, and as always happy cheesing post key: keys- blue weapons- purple money- green rare items- yellow
  6. Hows everyone's day? :)


  7. About me Hi my name is Hami (pronounced ham - e). I'm 16 years old at the time of this post and i'm a jr in high school. I like playing games, messing with digital media aka editing and photoshop even tho im not that good, and I love my girlfriend. I play on a 2 screen pc setup that can run most games decently. I am a very nice guy and love to socialize. I am looking to get into coding as i want it to be my career in a few years. Skills -Editing -Sorting files and file paths -Game knowledge -Effective researching -A great friend Questions? If you have any questions or want a person to play with just message me im on here often
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