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Everything posted by RatchetandClank

  1. PMed you for this like 9 days ago btw ?
  2. Would prefer accounts that haven't been used this wipe. PM me if interested. $20-$25 depending on account. Paypal and middleman obviously
  3. I don't want to participate but cool of you to always be doing these giveaways man.
  4. Don't ask for ETA's. (ETA = Estimated Time of Arrival) 6 hour old non-customer account asking for ETA. Interesting
  5. If it was detected right now you'd see a ton of ban reports here.
  6. Not gonna lie that used to frustrate me so much when I played legit ?
  7. Face shots will definitely still go through. You can one tap fasts with pistols if you shoot em in the eyes. Just got unlucky with spread I'm sure.
  8. This is awesome for when you're still leveling traders thanks for sharing been using it since yesterday.
  9. Many Kill No Die = Big Boom ? Seems succinct
  10. Have been at work all day but have heard it is pretty damn good. Doesn't require background knowledge from the first game but there are small things here and there that are a nod to the first game that you can catch if you have played the first one.
  11. Those are some high level suggestions maybe you could break them down in less technical terms so others can understand?
  12. There is plenty of documentation/resources available to learn about networks but you have to be willing to read through boring stuff that's how you learn anything complicated. If you can't understand what you're reading, try to google the parts you don't understand until you've built up your base knowledge to understand the more complicated topics. Most networking things can't be coherently explained in an ELI5 manner.
  13. Is it really cheating though? He uses the resources available to him to get the job done even if it's not the "correct" way. I feel like that fits the spirit of this community well ?
  14. 10.2 is out now but it looks like 10.5 will be end of month/early November most likely.
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