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Everything posted by E2derra22

  1. price's reduced. Please make sure to contact me on discord. I have a ton in stock!
  2. Hey, I got gammas for sale. Let me know if you're interested.
  3. @GotHackUsually through the flea market, but if the sum is too large (Massive fees) we'll just do 1/or multiple raids (Night time factory). If we somehow do die and lose the money you will get compensated FREE of charge
  4. .12! RESTOCKED! WTS EFT ITEMS! Don't wanna raid and grind to get stupid items? No problem, I got it. 1.000.000 = 4.99$!!! (Cheapest around, if you manage to provide proof of a cheaper seller let me know, I'll reduce the price.) Other items: T H I C C Items case = 41.99$ T H I C C weapons case = 19.99$ RED Lab key card = 99.99$ Manager's office key = 3.99$ Lab testing area key = 3.99$ Items case = 5.99$ Weapon case = 2.99$ VIP Items/packs (All the key sets include a docs case): - Full labs set (with all the key cards and keys.) = 139.99$ - Full Shoreline set (All the good keys) = 69.99$ - Full Interchange set (Includes register keys) = 99.99$ - Full Factory set = 4.99$ (These are the most popular items, everything can be acquired for the CHEAPEST price. Let me know...) Payment methods: Paypal Bitcoin More info: - Middleman is not an issue - I can go first (Currently only for trusted costumers) - Delivery is INSTANT (Usually) DISCORD: BobNoob777#5994 Have a great day, with peace and love Bob!
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