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Everything posted by E2derra22

  1. Hey all, I know this is not typical for this site since most of you are probably EFT only players but I thought I'd give it a shot. I want to sell my Uplay account (See full list of games below). Games on this account: - Assasin's Creed III - Assasin's Creed IV (Black Flag) - FarCry 4 - For Honor - Steep (with all the sports) - Tom Clancy's Rainbow six: siege (All operators, with the 4 year season pass. A lot of elite skins and a bunch of universal limited skins) - Tom Clancy's The Division Thanks, for more info PM me. If requested will send screenshots. DISCLAIMER: There is no set price so please offer me and this is not FINAL, meaning the sale depends on the offer.
  2. UPDATE: Just found out that to change the email you have to wait 2 weeks... And probably nobody would trust me with that so.... The offer is still up. Changing the email now. Will inform in 14 days.
  3. I mean, they usually go for around 80$ don't they? That's what i'd be happy with but everything is a subject to change.
  4. Hey everyone, I recently decided to sell my EOD (Edge of Darkness, Most expensive edition) because I got really bored of tarkov. I have never cheated on it and you are free to change the email. The account also has the Christmas gift (1x Keybar, Two modded guns, 1x I-case.) Chod's middleman service is required. PM me with an offer. Have a great day, Thanks.
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