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About Relu5w

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  1. Distinction between player scavs and scavs?
  2. Well... You will be down if CC database gets hacked and someone stoles your ID.
  3. Legally ID verification is a bad thing.
  4. Welcome back. Nothing new... just cheats offline.
  5. We wont leave unless you tell us to. Keep up the good work!
  6. Snowden, John Wick, The Ring, The Thing, Saw, American Pie, Scary Movie, The Conjuring, Grizzly Park, Venom.
  7. Be serious... a company like Bohemia that can't pay to license their in-game content got BE so this shouldn't be a problem for BSG.
  8. Good job posting this but DayZ should be played with so-called battle settings and those are basically everything low / very low but texture detail and render... no need to "cripple" your pc and game with "game boosters". The devs did optimized this game a lot so if you meet the minimum requirements you're fine.
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