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Everything posted by GhillieNiick

  1. There is one but it's on a different forum page that I do not want to say as it is against rules pretty sure to say other things.
  2. I will be willing to buy but only in Paypal. Not into cryptocurrency.
  3. Welcome to thy Family of thy one and only thy Chod
  4. Make a support ticket! Easier for staff to help you there!
  5. Welcome to the best family of all cheesing, the Chods Family
  6. That's just the way too logical answer.
  7. Welcome to Chods Family my friend. You have chosen well
  8. Obviously posting whatever pops into your head to increase your post count.
  9. I'll be on B site. In a different realm, with 3rd person view with AA and Rage enabled.
  10. Well, you have come to the right place my friend // Welcome to Chods family
  11. I mean, i always cheat on my main, never been banned what so ever, but that doesnt mean u wont get banned. Just be careful.
  12. Welcome to Chods Family
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