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Everything posted by Flintlockwraith

  1. I am so extreamly hyped for this, I've been checking everyday since the cheese went down. I hope you guys get some good rest once the cheese is up an running, your hardwork will be the only thing I want for christmass XD
  2. The update is extreamly appricated, please keep up the outstanding work. I will wait as long as it takes to have something of unmatched quality!
  3. I can wait as long as it takes for this cheese.
  4. I cannot wait! I'm sure it will be released in due time to ensure the maximum qulity that Chod's provide.
  5. I can't wait for the cheese to come back online and I'll happily plough money into chods.
  6. Quality will always take time, in Chod we have faith! Thank you for the detailed update.
  7. Would love to see something for Black ops 4
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