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  1. Still hoping to see For honor tbh, Auto block and guard breaks and stuff like that is pretty easy to create as the screen flashes in the directions of the attack. Would be a very nice addon to free cheats section. 😄
  2. S**t happens, keep goin
  3. We stand by Chod! and the team too! Way to go! this is exactly what i try and talk to everybody about, the way you care, the way you try and help and satisfy each and everyone of us! Been here now for years, and not once have i been disappointed, i appreciate the down time tbh, id rather have no cheese one week than having my account banned in the game because it was not safe to use as many other providers dont take down the cheat they sell. I appreciate the care and lookout for us, And for those who dont understand, you will get all the time back if you have cheese active while it went out. Chods care first about the safety as he literally said it himself, safety of us, They could drop down bullshit like all the other providers and still get money in their pocket, believe it or not. But these people are not greedy, they give quality products. And for all of you who say the team is rude or what not, Why have they not been rude to any of us other? i have never seen a rude comment from any of the staff, ive opend tickets after tickets and asked questions literally about anything, ive allways got a nice and welcoming answer with help, they take direct contact so they can help you rightaway. Chods dont worry they will come around if they see all the other sites and how rude the other ones are. You dont have to worry, just do your thing take care of the family, We are here by you! Chods Team for the win! ❤️ @Chod You are one of the very few people i have respect for, especially for coming out and really showing everyone how much you care about us, Thank you for being you.
  4. 1: Ark 2: BattleEye 3: As that game is literally like rust, people who have maxed stuff you have no chance. ------------------------------------ 1: Playerunknowns battleground 2: BattleEye 3: I mean its pubg, if you dont got hacks to make it fun its boring no matter what ^^ ------------------------------------ 1: Destiny 2 2: Bungie Anticheat 3: to make raids and dungeon solo easier. i cant depend allways on people who rage quits for failing once or twice, maybe now we wont need maxed people ^^
  5. let me just say, it is worth the wait. ive been using chods for over 2 years now. only once and let me say it again, once in my entire 2 years here have it gotten a ban from the cheat being detected. and on top of all that the cheat are public so you can just get right into them and run them fine and being safe. unlike other sites as i cant mention nothing because of the site rules, you cant get any of the cheats easily that chods provide publicly and yet safe. And Welcome feel free to check out the great cheese chods and chods team have provided
  6. Well feel yourself at home mate! and we got the best people on this site, kind and respectful. Hopefully you can get on the track and start using what pleases you. but dont rage no matter what in games as that just will risk your account. Anyway! Welcome!
  7. I still support chods, the one and only who have it public and yet had the longest run in it. thats why i applaud chod and the chods team!
  8. i know other spots but ive seen people getting banned from that too, be careful. Tarkov is allways watching ^^
  9. Deatho


    I think the spoofer might come back i read somewhere in the roadmap. But i understand we are asking for too much while they are trying to give us all we ask for ^^
  10. Hi! 100 USD Selling an EOD account as i dont longer play. The Region for the account is Europe. After purchase email change is required. Using middleman for security!
  11. That sounds amazing! section 18 not bad hopefully youll reach what you desire pretty soon! keep on going strong! i will give udemy a try very soon too
  12. i think ill start with udemy and the mimo for pocket app on my phone .. i really want to get into this and hopefully i will understand it..
  13. I tried opening udemy.com but it wouldnt go in,, could you please PM me for the others you cant mention? this is really helpful so far,, and im getting headaches from mimo and trying to understand ^^ at the same time im reading some lessons from a forum he have made over 300 lessons kinda ^^ so im trying to wrap my head around how c++ works. Faceless thank you for real
  14. I want to use hacks normally for private cheats, those are no doubt the most safe if you know what you are doing,, Since ive been on chods i havent used anything else than chods only,, but ofc trainers and cheat engine is like my lil i can do this myself zone ^^ but advanced like how chods are doing,, thats like a goal i want to achieve,.,
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