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Everything posted by DIGITUL

  1. The winners are @olliezeff and @piratehunter! Gratz guys, send me a pm with your size if not given and your mailing address! GG
  2. I am extending this by a few days to give people a little more time to enter
  3. Im in <3 Thanks Dude!
  4. XXL is also fine or XXXL it doesnt matter mate
  5. Thanks guys! Ya'll are the real MVP's though
  6. Hey all, I just wanted to give back to the community in my own small way. I designed this t-shirt and will be giving away 2 of them in a week. Leave a comment with your preferred size (S,M,L,XL) and a random number between 0-249. Ill be using a RNG to pick the 2 winners. If you win, ill send you a PM so you can give me your shipping address. Good luck all I hope you like the shirt (Design is not final)
  7. Will start working on a series asap
  8. Yeah I saw that thread earlier but seems kinda general. Ill compile a list of topics and maybe get the community's input on which they want to focus on.
  9. Hey guys, Its summer time and I have some extra time on my hands. I was thinking about starting a C++, IDA, and OllyDbg tutorial series. Would that be something you guys would be interested in?
  10. Lost in Space thooooo ??
  11. What software you using to animate Mr9099?
  12. Yeah, I agree with what people are saying here. Nowadays, you shouldn't be running anti virus. I understand the skepticism but really, you've got to be pretty scrub to get infected. If you feel the need to run some sort of protection I would settle for malwarebytes. It's light weight and protects against most malware. But if I were you and bought a sub to some cheese, just uninstall your anti virus. You'll have more fun with the cheese than you will your av


    Thanks! I will!


    Hi all, I am new to this forum but not to the hacking scene. Hopefully I can become a contributing member to this community! I am a CS undergrad and love to program. C, Java, Python, JS and HTML/CSS are my go-to languages. I would love an invite to the discord so if anyone can shoot a link over to me, I would appreciate it! If anyone has any questions, let me know! Thanks, Ill see you in the forums
  15. You should look over the guide and read it carefully, the client is really easy to use.
  16. Im assuming your subscription is up-to-date, did you click on Escape From Tarkov in the scroll pane then click launch?
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