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About Jamieson73

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  1. that game is rampant with cheats, especially since it was released without and anti cheat, recently big providers have had to update but there is still alot of it within the game
  2. maybe they got his msv file and then detected it on our comps ?
  3. some of these are sick, although it does take up a fair bit of time
  4. your videos are pretty awesome dude, are you youtuber?
  5. how do you stop bsg employee or someone being "trusted" getting there hands on it ?
  6. i feel like i need this to be Dumbed down to basic plain english like how do i stop it and what happens if i/they F up
  7. does the HWID use the launcher settings or does it use per cheat, so you could use CSGO on one pc and EFT on another ?
  8. going off what i have seen in the trailers i would love to see some sort of SCUM,
  9. the main this i do when it comes to my configs or what i use, i started out really bad with like raging and using all the features and as time went on took some away, now the only feature i use is the custom loot, it helps alot with tasks, but trying to play as legit as possible will help the longevity of the game, or your longevity of playing the game
  10. again maybe im spaced out, i dont think ive actually watched the trailer but to be fair this video is sick,
  11. ive never seen it happen, i think i must be blind when it comes to stuff like this in the game, or i just dont pay enough attention
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