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Everything posted by blackworm84

  1. no one need this account.. but still i try it..
  2. This account still available if anyone need.. just offer
  3. Failed. Any moderator can close this topic
  4. really? 4games with dlc more than 150$ ( on g2a ) True if I could sell my kidney, I'd sell it! ^^
  5. Okay guys i have a crazy idea (maybe) I create an auction with my steam account https://prntscr.com/kypa1d ( https://steamcommunity.com/id/blackworm84/ ) this link is not advertise new game on account SCUM, Shadow of the tombraider . named games , darksouls 3 +all dlc , dishonoed 2 , payday 2 28/32 dlc , Dying light , hellblade seuna's sacrefice , Middle Earth Shadow war +all dlc , RainbowSixSiege, and lots more. As u have seen i try to sell this acc many times for charity ( charity link in private if u need ) But now i start auction Start Prize : 150$ Bid min: 10$ Auction end tomorrow 23:00 CET ( 2018 09 26 ) the trade ONLY with middleman! ( yes i can sell for 160$ if no one bid it higher ) psi: my Sis need monthly 150$ thats why start 150$ , and please stop trolling.. if you do not care this just scroll up Thanks.
  6. 200-250$ just now coz i really need money atm.. ( not for me but nvm ) ofc we can use middleman.
  7. 45 50$ as u can see these accs 50+
  8. Heyo i want to sell LoL account . Booster account, low rank (s3 atm) 36 champs 15k BE Paypal only , and middleman!
  9. Just update the account , here some info about the acc. 3 new added game: SCUM , Injustice2 , Strange Brigade , Shadow Of the Tombraider
  10. i know but these games too "slow" for me and boring, same as dayZ . not my fav games
  11. i try it. totally waste 20$ for garbage empty maps , same houses same loots everywhere , craft bugs etc .. last time i just walking around almost one hour and i found 2 zombies and 7weapons nothing much.. the events are useless atm.. but ye early acces.. looks like pre alpha
  12. I wathcing streams about this game, but looks fking boring maybe coz not relased, but the respawn in squad is a joke and zombies with mecharobots? wth!? so u start the game with stoneknife .. then u loot AKM? this game looks like MEH .. just another bad survival copywith too many shitty option like EKG the best thing is u can pee the dead body hueheh
  13. blackworm84


    Heyo i wanna trade my B.net acc ( all blizz games ) OR my steam account ( ~500$ worth games ) for EOD EU account ! Ofc with middleman! steam acc: Wow acc: psi: ur sell these accs if anyone need .
  14. Hi i want to sell my steam account (pic below) and YES we can use middleman ( both offline now ) new added game: SCUM , Injustice2 , Strange Brigade , Shadow Of the Tombraider
  15. Name:Szabolcs Location:Hungary What you do(work/school..): armed service/army Age:34 Languages:hungarian, english ( also i have GR and GER friend "translators" ) Online for x hours a day: 8+ / day Experience with our products: EFT cheat 2month Relevant experience:developer/supporter and moderator Bluebyte Games (ubisoft subsidiary) Why you think you would be good for this position: im old and friendly streamer guy, and always help others if i can just like IRL. Anything else:i have a small community ( 800+ ppl ) facebook, youtube and twitch maybe i can advertise Chods' cheat in YT on FB ( twitch bann my a$$ if i use or advertise any cheat)
  16. An old one origin WoW account (legion)with tons of stuffs characters , unavailable items etc etc. old achieves. More than 12character . And all other blizzard games (except owerwatch) diablo Ros, Hs etc.. CBT title. There is all available character https://prntscr.com/9uayqv Old screenshot maybe WOD so +2-3 char now. but u can see the names or playtimes ( ? ) Pm if interested
  17. Yeeey ! my cheese expired Soon™ so i really need EFT :3 Gl all
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