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Everything posted by rabudi

  1. so many people this time. ill try it anyway with EFT!
  2. USEC for the voicelines. Whats the point of using them when most of the playerbase cant speak russian?
  3. damn I didnt know you could comment multiple times!
  4. One EFT cheese please!
  5. Greetings, I see that everyone does one so I'll add my name to the list. Been using chods for 3 months, so its about time.
  6. rabudi

    Brain Fuck

    Ayyyy well done Nice. What's my prize?
  7. You have to follow someone on the forum. If they got a public config you can find it in the shared configs tab ingame. Oh I see, thats a pretty neat system. Thanks
  8. Yo, I love EFT. How can you use someone else's config? Thanks for the giveaway!
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