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Everything posted by Sellier

  1. Sellier


    Prove it! That you're Chod!?
  2. In this video I was using teleportation and still dot was on target.
  3. This is for people who doesn't know CHOD'S CHEATS can also use RADAR only! This is short video to show what to uncheck. Also can change colors to dots in the radar Bots and Players. I used night mode to show you that I can find players. You can hide radar behind something. I learned this from Emiliensen2. Thank You!
  4. Sellier

    Hi i rohas

    Sup! Rohas! Enjoy your staying!
  5. Wut! No more sausages! Purple still matched your lipstick~~?
  6. @Facelessand @Dr. Snif I think those tags are too much of colors~~~ Like rainbow! You know what I mean??
  7. I like to take this moment to Congratulate two of these awesome people! @Facelessand @Dr. Snif. They are the New Moderators! They are so friendly and always helping other people way before being Moderator. I always thank you guys being very helpful and at the same time being a true friend! And I also like to thank all the Administrators and other Moderators here in the forum and on the discord. And last to all to Chod's community members! Thank You!
  8. Hey! awesome giveaway! Good luck to everyone! You can count me out!
  9. This section is for welcoming new people and you are trying to sell ? Isn't there other way to present your self and your products?
  10. Welcome to the best community! Enjoy your staying!
  11. I'm late again! I'm here now! He loves me! As a friend.
  12. Glad you're here and trust me you will get all the help you need. Even you don't want it!?
  13. Sellier


    Welcome to the best cheats community!
  14. Welcome and enjoy your staying!
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