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Everything posted by MadMan!

  1. I might be interested, does it have the ability to add users?
  2. Hello Lovesmurfing or should I say MrClue or should I say Awsome0071. Selling your account is against the rules.
  3. What do you mean nothing pops up? All you hear is 3 beeps for when it's injected, and boxes when you are close enough to the enemy. There is no menu for csgo lite.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIF5ElwC34o
  5. Nope, Just don't injected into any steam account you don't want banned.
  6. Example You play from Computer A. You log onto client from Computer B. - Your account is locked due to hwid change, and needs to be approved to be unlocked. Computer B was approved, so You can now use client on Computer B. Now switching back to Computer A again from Computer B. - Your account is locked again due to HWID change. You are only allowed to have 1 active HWID at a time. Hopes this explains your issue.
  7. Closing this thread as users are straying off topic.
  8. send me the time in gmt please.
  9. I wouldn't mind doing this, however I will not be able to do this for another couple of hours. Sorry I assumed it was via paypal or btc, which honestly I don't want to deal with due to charge backs.
  10. If you got scammed by someone, create a thread in the proper section http://forum.chods-cheats.com/forumdisplay.php?42-Scam-Reports Provide all proof, transaction log and chat logs. Screenshots of chat logs are required.
  11. ~Closed~ Frankly directorn, you're constant spamming of our forum is quite annoying.
  12. MadMan!

    chods cheat?

    The erection of a dead thread.
  13. ~closed~ OrXiuS contact me and i'll open this thread again if you are still buying them.
  14. Resize your image to the allowed size; I think it has to do with the resizing of it on the forums end.
  15. Currently, I have not cheated in csgo for a good while. Yes, I do have a test account on another system to test our client for most of the games we support. Using aim assistance in csgo made me worse as a player overall. I mainly use chods for BF when I want to play it... That game is just ridiculously hard to play legitimate.
  16. There is no thread state scam by Sion. I'm pretty sure you're fine. What exactly are you trying to clear up? Why not contact the seller of the steam account? Also I don't see a point in contact the seller since you canceled the chargeback.
  17. talk to koofal for a steam account, then buy a csgo account. Safest method of purchasing an account.
  18. yeah, that's a much better price and I think it will sell a lot easier now. Good luck to you.
  19. Yeah as far as I can tell you didn't purchase anything, feel free to PM with your transaction ID.
  20. Honestly, I highly doubt you can get 50 usd for that account due to the vac ban. Also a lot of those games you have listed have been on sale at one point which had a sale discount of 50+ or higher.
  21. 3 fresh accounts....... I wonder whats going on here. Not a fan of scammers....
  22. As someone who plays legitimately, you're walking down a very dangerous path :-); enjoy!.
  23. What a shot in the dark! Explain XZENHAX, Perhaps you can ask the question again.
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