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Everything posted by bliuxter

  1. If you are banned using steam you'll get that "red info game ban" showing up in your profile when people visit. I think it goes something like "Account Banned by third party AC" It does not say the game, time nor why. just that you are banned in a game.
  2. most likely yes... your account is from 2017, don't know you how things work around here?
  3. I feel like in order to balance things out to the newer people coming to chods. We, the old-time customers know how these things work. I have personally been here since the first days of the new website. I had to wait for many weeks for some updates and not to mention if I remember correctly a few/several months for the new framework/client to be ready. And the wait was worth it. Chods, the staff, and we the people that stuck around got our time always compensated. And the newer client was absolutely amazing, with awesome features for many games, Those days you would see the whole status page all green for very long periods and almost no downtime at all. So stick around guys. And in my opinion, the staff is great, customer service is incredibly fast and responsive. I feel like if they answer roughly is because you guys are not reading the rules/FAQ and it is annoying even for me when reading the forum or chatbox. Imagine answering 200 words every time for each person who has the same question...
  4. No, GBP is Pound sterling. You can go to google and let it make the conversion. as of today 1 GPB = 1.34$ so you will be charged 44.14$
  5. 1. Name of the Game: Spellbreak2. Name of the Engine: Easy Anti-cheat/ unreal engine 43. Why you want to have a cheat for it: This game I've been playing since alpha has a really good movement and ability interactions making each battle so unique and epic. I'd love to see some neat ESP and if possible aim prediction for this game (All its abilities are projectiles)
  6. Yes, I'm in a few communities/discords too and even been part of one and I'm still safe maybe I've been lucky but overall almost 90% of those "private slotted" providers are getting waved constantly. Most of them just last a few days, usually in my opinion, they simply scam people with their crappy bypass and features take all the money they can and leave then repeat so be careful. I'm sticking with chod all in as I always have been.
  7. If you play against really good players or red ranks mostly, they will definitely call you out. Just like any other game be cautious always play like you're been recorded. A good advice is just don't go straight to an immersive survivor go around flicking the camera like you are just looking around If the survivor doesn't react then let him go, if the survivor does react / moves or make noise then go for it.
  8. I bet they are aware of the problems, just be patient, overall it's perfect, there are no big unplayable issues whatsoever. I have encountered some maps wit one pallet or gen ESP missing too but very rarely just two times in about 3 days of playing. About the totems and chests, it is being worked on and Xpi said in chat that probably will be ready and fixed on Monday. Check out the roadmap I created, I'll update it everytime you can upvote and comment there too https://chodscheats.nolt.io/142
  9. I'm so anxious now! even though I'm not a fan of EFT I know the other games will come back eventually too so keep it up! love this progress updates!
  10. Thank you Chod I'm glad you made this thread. I'm very confident and excited about this because you are the only one that provides almost every cheat for mostly all the games I play, with the transparency and care for the safety of our accounts. And good service from your moderators and admins. I'm especially hoping Dead by daylight will come back stronger and better (many of us had some problems with the cheat nonetheless it remained undetected for few months) and of course keep APEX on good shape and adding features without compromising the security. Thank you !
  11. Good review. I'm waiting myself to do one until some important fueatures and bugs are fixed. For the part about the spirit. I did a report on the roadmap too. https://chodscheats.nolt.io/108 Last thing I'd like to ask you. I do have lag issues with the esp. Do you mind sharing your system settings and pc? thank you!
  12. Same! and if you have any suggestion or bug report use this https://chodscheats.nolt.io/ You can vote for the already suggested changes you would like to see or fix too !
  13. you have to set it up in the menu, it increases or decreases the great skillcheck area. Never use it when someone dies though, other people can spectate and see that you are modifying the skillcheck
  14. Hello Sip welcome, if you have any doubts about the dbd hack just ask, everyone will be glad to help you
  15. Great review! I'm planning to buy it and test it for myself in the future!
  16. I'd love to have a chods usb lol just perfect for this, And looks really cool
  17. I've seen some youtubers / streamers playing this game. For me It looked buggy (probably because its still in early acces) but overall really fun, it has a lot of potential.
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