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Everything posted by bliuxter

  1. no where exactly, just being around here in the forum or chatting in the discord server you can always find some answers or ask some questions. Also trying the features myself too
  2. Yes. It is exactly what it does. No stun you won't get stunned by pallets, DS, etc. No interruption, you won't get interrupted during actions. Auto dead hard from my experience didn't work. Maybe it has to depend on the latency or type or killer you facing against. Fast action from what I've read it just speeds up actions a bit. Repairing a gen will make it yellow even without tools meaning its going faster than usual (I might be wrong about this one) Visibility means that the ESP box will change to a different color when you have a line of sight to the target. This feature pairs well with aimbot because it prevents you from locking onto targets behind walls, making it obvious that you're cheating. However, even with the 'magic feature,' it's hard to not suspect unless you use it when you're quite close to the killer and have a clear line of sight. If you use it on the killer's back while picking up a survivor, you'll likely get reported. Personally I almost never use the Misc or aimbot features only ESP. Hope I helped good luck
  3. what are the features that you don't know what they do? I could help you out.
  4. Ready for the wipe I see oh yeah
  5. The cheats have some of the features tagged as "Risky," and that's the best way to know what not to use if you are not cautious enough to avoid getting manually reported or banned using those features. Personally, I've always used the Skin unlocker and never had a problem.
  6. Agree, this type of games get the hype for a few weeks or months and then they lose popularity rather quickly. The same happened with Evil Dead and many more.
  7. Yes, agree How fantastic it is. This game has such a high demand that they do try to maintain and add more features. It used to have even more features, but they were patched due to a high risk of ban, and Chods is well known for prioritizing safety. P.S. Also, this is the wrong section to post a review, tho 😄
  8. Even if the cheat only has ESP I will still prefer chods over others.
  9. I think it's against the rules to recommend other sites or providers. But its reaaaaaaaaaaally easy to find cheats for that game anyways.
  10. Yeah, if you want a certain game, you can ask for it. Although keep in mind that usually the development of a requested game cheat depends on its popularity and the level of demand. In the case of the game you mentioned, it appears to be a mobile game. Chods typically focuses on creating cheats exclusively for PC games.
  11. the Email says "Veiled Experts" is free now, not deadside. So I don't know lol
  12. I guess because it's kinda of a ghost game. Even I've never heard of it. And looking at the steam charts, even Paladins has more current players. Maybe if it is easy to bypass and because the game is free, Chod can make it for free 😮 I think there is a section in the forum where you can suggest what game should be for free cheats good luck 😉
  13. Yep, In the STATUS section says it
  14. There was, before the big bang update to the code that chod's team did, I remember those days, everything was on red for I think weeks or months. Suddenly all became green and keeps going strong. So I'm guessing there is no stream proof because how the cheat works and its coded internally. Although I think they mentioned that they will update the whatever is called framework or something so that it can be streamproofable for those who want it.
  15. Coming up this June 15. Cool, simple, well balanced, fast phased, battlefield type genre, new game that is hot on steam charts even on its open beta right now. And also kind of funny lmao. It uses EAC. Hope Chod its interested in this it would be great addition to the roster!
  16. Evil dead: The game its free on Epic now ! we need those cheeatsss
  17. good info. Hope it gets improved by the devs soon
  18. The overall aimbot feature certainly needs some adjustments and bug fixes if it wants to compete with other providers. Although the good optimization, info features, price, and security are still the best, not to mention been undetected for many years (since its release in 2018). About the crashes, that sort of thing usually happens when EAC or the game updates. Admins have to take a look at it and may take some time.
  19. yes it is in. You can check the full feature list in the store page
  20. You don't, You can report the issue here https://chods-cheats.com/ideas/category/12-paladins/ Also, I can confirm that Bomb king does not have a very accurate prediction.
  21. No, please stop. I'm glad you like the cheat but those features you mention are disgusting imo. This cheat only needs QoL features within its options that already have, no more rage stuff ;/
  22. 1. Name of the Game: Enlisted 2. Name of the Engine: Dagor Engine - Easy-anticheat3. Why you want to have a cheat for it: It is the most recent WW2 battlefield-like game by Gaijin Entertainment. It is extremely fun to play, lots of constant action, it is free and has a lot of people and potential. Also, there is almost no provider for it. The ones that exist are two that I know of, the first one is trash and the other one got detected almost a week after its release.
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