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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/19 in Posts

  1. Welcome to my giveaway! There will be 1 winner this time. I will randomly choose him/her in 10 days! (11.02.19) The winner will get: ?1x Cheat subscription of your choice for 1 month? (Not included: VIP cheats, CS:GO with stream proofing / EAC support) To be part of the giveaway you have to react to the post. (don't forget to write which cheat you want!) The winner will receive the subscription in form of a key which can be redeemed at any time via this link: https://chods-cheats.com/resellers/?do=activate I'm also offering a 10% discount on my selly store until the giveaway is over! Use the code: "CHODS10" https://selly.gg/g/a74ee0
    12 points
  2. Does what it says on the tin although for somebody that can only play maybe 4 hours every 2 or 3 days, you barely get to use it. When it's online, it works great: The ESP is great and skeletons can be seen clearly through the wall with customisable colours, so you can change the colour scheme to differentiate between visible/invisible Scavs, BEARs, and USECs, and even friends (there's a friend list in the aimbot section). Wallhack doesn't seem to work (sometimes half or even all of the person is missing) but skeletons work fine. No visor is a godsend - the ESP has issues with scopes and visors and offsets all the skeletons to the side. 'No visor' lets you use a visor without the visor overlay, so your ESP works as usual (and there's no dirty visor overlay). The radar is unnecessary and takes up a large portion of your screen for not a lot of information. Loot filter is fantastic. Filter items out on the map so you only see what you want to see (e.g. bitcoin, lab keys, golden chains, weapons etc). You can use this to find out if a key has spawned as well (no need to run to resort on Shoreline to see if the key has spawned - just check the loot filter. Saves a lot of time). Loot ESP can be customised as well so you can see loot from 1000m away or 10m away. This slider is literally life or death when there's so many things on your screen because you can see loot from 1000m away. The only thing bringing this cheat down is its downtime - yes, I get that with every little technical update you need to check the game to see if anything has changed (memory addresses, anti-cheat detection, etc) but that's not the issue. The issue isn't the fact that it's down to update, the issue is the fact that you're left in the dark as to why: The status of the cheat switches between 'Online/Undetected' and 'Disabled/Updating' and that's all the info you get. It would go a long way to perhaps change it to say 'Disabled due to anti-cheat update' or 'Updating to latest game version' or 'Updating to add new feature' or 'Updating to fix crashes' - as of writing this review the cheat has been 'Disabled/Updating' for over 24 hours now (there was apparently 2-3 hours today when it was online, but like I said I have limited play time). This is fine, except nobody has any idea why it's disabled and asking in the shoutbox will get you a lot of angry replies saying "don't ask for ETA or ban!!" All I'm saying is maybe a post, or a line of text that says "disabled due to stability fixes" or "offline due to game update" would go a long way. 8/10
    1 point
  3. When I first started looking for EFT cheats I came across this good old website. Needless to say, I was very skeptical at first. Even after reading testimonials and reviews, I wanted to be sure I wasnt getting scammed. The only other game i have used Cheats on is BF5, through a different provider, but I was scammed three times before I found my current one. I decided to go for it and purchased Chods EFT cheats. I was delayed in using them for 3 days, till today. I was delayed because of the Paypal Address Verification, then the cheese were down for Maintenance for another two days. I finally got to use them today before they went offline again. So heres my review as I feel its only right to let other people who might be skeptical know, this IS NOT a scam cheat. ESP: 9/10 I can see skeletons and the box like every other ESP, but what I really like is the wallhack portion where it turns a light purple if you can kill the person. The only thing I have to say about this is that if you have the visor down or are looking through a scope, the Box and Skeleton are off to the side. Aimbot:8/10 The Aimbot is subpar as to what I was hoping. Im not sure if its the cheese, the game, or a mix of both. It will lock on to the player, but not always lock on to the right spot, or to a different player if you are playing with a friend. Radar: 7/10 I personally didnt find it very useful. Everything always seems to be around the same distance away, and it doesnt give much info, and takes up alot of space. However, if you do go to it on the radar its there. So i guess it does its job. Loot Filter:10/10 Absolutely the best part. I can see whats in crates before even searching them, I got an M4A1 from Factory, then was able to Exfil because of this cheese. I can see which Scavs have keys and stuff like that. Its very helpful. I can also see everything on the ground. Up to 1000m away. Customization:10/10 You are able to save Configs, Spoof HWIDs and much more like changing colors. Cons: The only cons I have is the downtime. I suspect that because EFT is in Beta, it gets updated often so Chod has to update often, its normally back up the next day at a decent time for British and European Players. However, for Americans like myself, It always comes back up while im at work or school and then is back down again. Im sure Chod is doing his best and thats all we can ask for. Hopefully it will be easier for Americans to play on the weekends because, well its the weekend and you can do whatever at whatever time. Hopefully as this game stables out, the cheese will too. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and have a great day!
    1 point
  4. This cheese has come a very long way and has lost a lot of features and gained a lot too, but it is still one of the best cheese for this game out there. ESP 9/10 The ESP is perfect for always knowing where other players are, and even the option to see the direction where they are looking is a HUGE advantage, it also shows how many meters they are away from you so you can zero in. It also shows where loot is and you can filter out different stuff. What would be even cooler is if they had an Item list that you can customize with all the items in the game that can make specific Items different colors or not show up at all, but the esp is amazing! Aimbot 7/10 The aimbot is very customizable. From choosing what part of the body you want to shoot at or adjust how much recoil you have, you can also turn off Weapon Swaying and Bullet Spread so you can shoot in a straight line. The only problem here is that when a target is sprinting to the left or right it doesn't adjust for that by aiming ahead of where they are going, but the closer you are the less it matters. What I would recommend is to use the same target adjusting mechanic that the Battlefield 1 Cheese had. Other than that I would recommend to practice with it in an offline match first to learn it. Misc 8/10 You got your Night Vision, No visor, and Sky hacks to change the time of the day. These are very good but I do miss the feature to unlock all doors. Support / Status 10/10 The key to not getting banned is to be patient. If an update rolls out don't play till staff gives the good go. It can be tempting but it's not worth buying the game again and loosing your stash. Overall 8.5/10 This is one if the best EFT cheats out there and I have got 5+ of my friends to buy this cheat multiple times, very fun and 100% worth the money! Hope this review helps out!
    1 point
  5. Thanks, fast delivery, good communitaction! Nice Person Paid via Paypal I would do this again Greetings BK
    1 point
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