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EFT Banned once again


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Might be because your spoofer was detected.

Of course they Account ban.

And after a ban you create a new one, buy the game again and use a spoofer (maybe one thats a bit more expensive but undetected).

But if the spoofer is detected you wiöö get the ban because of that.

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I got windows and eft installed on 512gb m2 ssd.. So should I remove current one, buy another one and do raid 0? I even dont know how ?  btw that spoofer costs 30€. I rly love this game guys pls help me solve this. Or what i need to change ? All hdd, motherboard or IP?

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First id spend the money to find out if your hwid banned, we have seen alot of false positives since be as added.

Do a fresh windows install (if you have 2 ssd, put in on the one you dont have it on currently)

Buy a new account (if you can dont use the same payment as you last did)

play the game without a spoofer or anything, if your not banned within 24 hours your not hwid banned.


there sadly has been alot of ppl thinking they were hwid banned and used a 3rd party spoofer only to get banned as BE bans spoofers just as much as they ban cheats. So you might not be hwid banned in the end.(there ofcourse is a chance you are or that you 100% know that you are and in that case nvm)


Raid 0 works for some ppl and not for others.

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Dude, you decided to break the rules by cheesing. Do not be mad at the game.

EFT was super easy when all cheesers were hammered. I miss the cheese days, but this free period of no cheese up made me realize how people are stupid and easy to kill even without cheese.

HWID ban is easily worked around. About raid 0 ppl here talk about is basically taking 2 drives and virtually making it 1. Which changes the ID of the drive. Raid 0 can be created in Windows using native tool called "Manage Storage Spaces". Look it up in W10 search bar. There is so many guides all over the internet, that I bet you will find some even on Redtube, if you want the guide to be special.

ALso, I do not understand why you want to spoof if you are playing without cheese. Its so much easier to change your HWID "legaly". Use spoofer only when actually using cheese.

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Yeah, but ussualy little changes can work around it. At least that was for me when I got caught on PUBG ?
@popolopo I would still rather change the hwid than use spoofer, even if you would just upgrade some of your components. You claim that you pay 30€ to play on spoofer. In a year you would pay 360€ , thats more than i7 8700...

Edited by makemeawesome
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1 hour ago, popolopo said:

BE bans only hdds? 

Yes dude, it bans your harddrive from ever playing any game. You need to purify it by sacrficing goat, by slicing hear throat, let the blood flow on the harddrive, while dancing naked in the moonlight on top of the smallest mountain in vicinity of your town.

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10 minutes ago, makemeawesome said:

Yes dude, it bans your harddrive from ever playing any game. You need to purify it by sacrficing goat, by slicing hear throat, let the blood flow on the harddrive, while dancing naked in the moonlight on top of the smallest mountain in vicinity of your town.

You forgot to mention that the goat has to be a newborn.

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11 minutes ago, ???????? said:

You forgot to mention that the goat has to be a newborn.


8 minutes ago, highhoo said:

and the goat has to be born only on the first newmoon night on a 29th of february.


Shit. Sorry. Now he can never play any game, because my guide how to purify harddrive from ban is not viable ?



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28 minutes ago, makemeawesome said:

Shit. Sorry. Now he can never play any game, because my guide how to purify harddrive from ban is not viable ?

No idea what made you think that would be enough.
How would a full grown goat safe you from a hwid ban lmao that makes no sense.
@highhoo born on first newmoon night is only necessary in special cases. It can also be any newmoon night and doesn't have to be on the 29th of february.
You both should do some research

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1 minute ago, ???????? said:

No idea what made you think that would be enough.
How would a full grown goat safe you from a hwid ban lmao that makes no sense.
@highhoo born on first newmoon night is only necessary in special cases. It can also be any newmoon night and doesn't have to be on the 29th of february.
You both should do some research

sorry, I just copy paste the first line of the wikipedia article. Had not enough time to read it all.
What a the special cases?

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20 minutes ago, ???????? said:

No idea what made you think that would be enough.
How would a full grown goat safe you from a hwid ban lmao that makes no sense.
@highhoo born on first newmoon night is only necessary in special cases. It can also be any newmoon night and doesn't have to be on the 29th of february.
You both should do some research


Ok, I did some research about old nations and sacrficing. The problem is that what I found points to "unless its a human, it does not work". I am not sure if I would recommend to sacrfice a human being, newborn at that. 
The research gave me some bad memories, imma get nightmares now ..


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8 hours ago, makemeawesome said:

Dude, you decided to break the rules by cheesing. Do not be mad at the game.

EFT was super easy when all cheesers were hammered. I miss the cheese days, but this free period of no cheese up made me realize how people are stupid and easy to kill even without cheese.

HWID ban is easily worked around. About raid 0 ppl here talk about is basically taking 2 drives and virtually making it 1. Which changes the ID of the drive. Raid 0 can be created in Windows using native tool called "Manage Storage Spaces". Look it up in W10 search bar. There is so many guides all over the internet, that I bet you will find some even on Redtube, if you want the guide to be special.

ALso, I do not understand why you want to spoof if you are playing without cheese. Its so much easier to change your HWID "legaly". Use spoofer only when actually using cheese.


I have to agree with you on people's skill level dropping once BE got added. Seems like a lot of people got complacent and leaned a bit too much on cheese. 


Ping abuse is a huge thing currently however and a good portion of the major streamers are now playing with 350+ ping to gain a advantage. Hell I used to play on the polish servers since they were usually dead and I could get into solo raids, but now its packed with US and Canadian players abusing ping. 


That and the recent fiasco with people supposedly lag switching which in the grand scheme of things really does not work as well as people think. I tried out the auto emergency ping destroyer back when the EFT cheese was up (emergency teleport) and it did not help in 9 out of 10 encounters.


As it stands now, I foresee the EFT community continuing to witch hunt average players who pull off BS shots and such until the game dies. The amount of people I've seen call out others for hacking somehow has increased over the last few months after BE got added  (I've even gotten some fan mail myself yet I've been clean since the cheese went offline) so it seems like the general mindset of engagements is slowly becoming less "I was not skilled enough" to "that random guy wall peaking me with TTV in his name is from Australia with 980 ping / lag switching".


Oh yeah and EVE Jita market runners seem to be thriving in EFT now too, last place I saw people playing a free in game market like this was back in the great hive of scum and villainy that was the market stations of Jita. Its both disgusting, yet a amazing example of people somehow becoming economists and squeezing the absolute max amount of profit out of items that are next to worthless in game.


Lastly, I would avoid using most things with EFT's BE, seems like nakita and the battlestate team are getting a bit hyper aggressive with detection, possibly due to the recent influx of new players.

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