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Before you recommend a game, please check if its not already been recommended.

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Also please keep in mind that this is simply an attempt  at measuring interest in games.

Its still up to the staff and specially coders if they pick that game or decide not to.

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2.Cryengine + Easy AntiCheat

3.I love Survival Games and I've never cheesed in this game before. but i know there are a some hackers with private hacks - would love to fvck' em up
and of course anything what comes from chod's is great.

Edited by FuckNikita
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This might sound dumb but infestation survivor stories

Anticheat: punkbuster/fairfight I'm pretty sure.  

Why ? It's a fun free to play game but with some bullshitty PvP mechanics it would be fun to just dome the lazy campers. 

Edited by seraph221
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4 hours ago, Enemy_EFT said:

1. modern warfare 2019 

2. no clue

3. one of the most played games, great fun, 

You're the only one to mention the correct game. also, EFT, MW would be ideal two cheats to have long with apex, DBD etc 

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1. arma 3

2. bohemia

3. cuz its a huge game its awesome and alot of people play it meaning lots of ppl want cheats+no real cheats which dont get detected on a daily basis also i think programming features for it could be fun and maybe smth diffrent as you can do so much with arma

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Game: Hunt showdown

Engine: Cryengine 

Why: I never see any cheats for this good game. It would be amazing to have cheese for it even if it's esp only it would help immensely, the community is growing so it's getting really popular and since there are no cheats around you guys could bring in the big bucks. ;)  

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1. Name of the Game : Arma 3 ( Exile compatibility as well as Altis life )
2. Name of the Engine : Bohemia Interactive ( Battleye )
3. Why you want to have a cheat for it : I can speak for many other members of this forum when saying that Arma 3 is a " Good " game when it's modded. For example  * Exile, King of the hill, Wasteland, Epoch and finally Breaking point * Now add cheats that can ; Give you an advantage in combat, Give you money whenever you need it, Reveal base codes, Spawn vehicles, Nuke the entire server, Teleport players, Kick players out of vehicles + many other features. 
If possible you could include a Executor built into the normal internal menu that you can run your own scripts. As-well as scripts made by the community ( a new forum section, Just like csgo had for cfg's )

A normal menu opened by using *Insert* would include features like : Esp, Aimbot, Magic bullet, Explosive bullets, Unlimited ammo, Teleport, Virtual arsenal, Executor.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. :)

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Cuisine Royale 


Dagor 5.0


I think it would just be a fun game to have cheese in 


Xera Survival


Unreal Engine 


Much like EFT this game is raid based and dependent on loot gained from other players and if you die you lose it all. i think developing this cheat would both bring people to the game and also make you some money as I do not see any other company taking this on, it will also be easier as it is in 3rd persons so it will be harder to detect the cheese.



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