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Battalion 1944 cheat


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  On 25/05/2019 at 11:19, F̲a̲c̲e̲l̲e̲s̲s̲ said:

Hey, we probably won't make a cheat for battallion 1944 again.


game is stable and popular again with many big streamers like shroud playing it actively. There are no other working cheats out there, if you make a cheat for it you would get a lot of sales especially since faceit is integrated into the game but without the client/anti-cheat.

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Game apparently got some major update?

Let's give it a month or so, see if it keeps growing, then there might be a chance of the cheat coming back.

Updating the cheat for a 1week hype is not worth the effort and also not really fair to the people buying 1month sub if the game goes back to 28 players (legit playercount 1 week ago)

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  On 06/06/2019 at 08:31, F̲a̲c̲e̲l̲e̲s̲s̲ said:

The game was literally dead pre release.


yes it was, nobody will dispute that. The developers decided not to provide any meaningful updates during early access and they told all the large streamers such as shroud not to play it until full release, they put all their eggs into one basket, this full release launch. It has paid off, so many large streamers have started playing, shroud, jasonr, skadoodle, mendo, optic hecz, hutch, jericho even drdisrespect says it is a quality game. You also have big sites like dexerto, dot esports etc writing about the game. I'm not saying you should start coding a cheat for it right now, that would be foolish as the player base could decline and drop to only a couple thousand, however keep an eye on it at least, this game has the potential and the partners (square enix, faceit) to grow a good bit more.


Also steamcharts was not working properly recently, use steamdb to see accurately how the player base has been increasing day by day.

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  On 09/06/2019 at 00:42, Rasm286h said:

For a EAC game?
RE: all i want is a simple radar or bone esp.



  On 09/06/2019 at 02:49, sofly1911 said:

I don't think this will happen man, I doubt any of our coders will want to take the time to make a private cheat just for you and then keep it updated for only $300. 


I agree, $300 is kinda a lot for one person to pay, yes. But the reality is coding is a specialty that very few people have skills with. Therefore, a $300 project is basically for entry-level coders (Not Chod's).

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