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  1. Heyaaa! this is a short summary/guide on how to behave in hunt showdown. For all of you new hunters and old looking into changing the game, to really turn the tables against the sweats, the campers and the try hards. this guide is something ive been wanting to write for a while now, after reaching 4000hours on pc and 1k hours on console through legit playtime. My playtime with cheats is over 1300 hours split on 3 accounts , the main of those 3 AC's i have over 800 hours unbanned. i feel like i can write this with confidence and solid knowledge on the matter. First let me clarify one thing, there is no thing such as safe cheats, if you use cheats there will always be a risk, chod's have a good history with their safety and the quality of their products. So if caught it means cheat got detected or the designated user got detected. The purchase and choice is yours. Now with this clarified lets go through 5 easy steps. 1. Dont use aimbot It must be tempting, getting nailed even when you are cheating is simply tragic. But if you actually want to improve using the cheat as an assist only i recommend avoiding the temptation and learn the gunplay and practice your aim on your own. but if you really have to, use max smoothing, and the smallest FOV, and remember to enable visibility check. This way the aimbot will only act as an passive aim assist. even then in some scenarios devs or experienced players or veterans will clearly be able to tell that you are cheating. 2. Use your eyes, not the ESP dont track players through walls use the in game audio and develope some game sense, there is no way to hide the fact youre cheating if you play like a bot, but when it comes to wallbanging people and snapping heads you are all good. you can also reduce the range on your esp, to prevent sus behavior on your end by accident. Remember if a player is hiding in a bush dont kill him directly, if possible lure an AI into the vegetated area and kill the AI with fire or poison forcing a reaction from the enemy. If u notice a player is sniping at you from a concealed position but u know his location by ESP, dont counter his gunfire, simply break LOS (line of sight) 3. Act according to expirience Work on your hours, have the game open, be afk or simply cheese hours through other means, A profile with 700hours+ is way more legit than an 50 hour 6 kd prestige zero goated player. Simply admit you are a smurf in your steam profile if youre too lazy to conceal your activity any further. Do not make your steam account too anonymous as it will result in more suspicion. You can of course use the hide in game stats setting In game, but it will still be suspicious. 4. Movement Alright lets talk about the elephant in the room, this is something that usually is a dead giveaway for cheaters. The way you move in a game is essential, move the stealthiest way possible, use concealed positions to scout for players. If you are a loud player and is constantly aware of who is in your area you have given away the fact that you have more information than what the game normally offers. Dont weapon swap constantly or random 360s and snapping towards enemy direction the moment they enter LOS the cheats are simply an utility they only make you appear good, if you are trash at the game these cheats wont change that fact, so do yourself a favor and accept defeat when defeated. 5. Outmaneuver your opponents! Dont simply clap your rival hunters in the head, outplay and outsmart them. Use the environment, grenades, monsters and teammates, use all your tools in your arsenal. When defending use beartraps, tripmines and barricade entrances. Hold angles and play at a steady pace that appears normal. When in a gunfight look for a vulnerable flank and use your ESP do execute a counterplay. If you run into a cheater while cheating let him kill you, killing him will only get you a report and raise suspicions. Now good luck out there in the field! Time for you to stop being the hunted and become the hunter!. Dont forget to enjoy summer and hangout with your friends! NOTE! following these steps can still get you banned, this guide will simply reduce the chances of detection and remember the hunt community you never know who is watching or who clips you and devs are never far away. Stay safe and remember you can always go legit.
  2. The topics I will criticize in this article are; Requirements / Inject Stage / Player ESP / Zombie ESP / Loot ESP / World Requirements (10 / 10) 64bit Windows 10 (BUILD 1809 - 20H2) - Easily downloadable content from the Windows site as an ISO file. USB - With the advancement of technology in 2020, USBs are no longer "luxury" items, but a product that can be easily accessed by an average person. Virtualization ON - A feature that helps your processor to run the trick in the background (I guess I'm not an expert on this subject, but most of the guides I read said that this feature should be enabled for "gaming computers" from the BIOS segment. NOTE: The features you see above are features that will make your computer more optimized for gaming, even if you do not use professional tricks in games. That's why I wonder why users who criticize this and find it unnecessary make such comments :). ----------- Inject Stage (10 / 10) If you read the article prepared for you by professional forum administrators from "GUIDES" from "NEMBER AREA" region after purchasing the cheat, you will see that it is much easier than most software on the market. ----------- Player ESP (10 / 9.2) Player - Works smoothly + The color of the man behind the wall is different than the color of the man you see. This is a feature you need to play by looking as a legal. Box - Works smoothly + One of the essential features in a "wallhack" cheat. With this feature, you can easily understand the position of the other person against you and adjust your engagement accordingly. Name - Works smoothly + It allows you to see the name of the enemies you face. (If you are playing against a creator or a twitch broadcaster, it helps you notice them early. In this case, you can see if the other person is making a video and you can perform a more looks like legal game against the player accordingly. Distance - Works smoothly + If you are a player who knows the mechanics of the game, this feature gives you a great advantage. Knowing how far you are from the enemy gives you a big planning advantage. Show Friends - Has Some Errors (%80 works well) - I do not recommend using this feature. Because; The game already draws a blue line on your friend, allowing you to understand that he is. REQuest - This feature needs to be turned on during the main screen of the game. This feature will not work when you change it after the game has started, so you must wait for the next match. (It's not a big problem, but it can tire your eyes during the match) can be fixable and its not a big prob. The features you see below are not added to the cheat yet. But don't worry, these features will be added to the cheat soon (sayin' again, it may take time) because CC's primary goal is to keep the existing cheat Undetectable Glow (Adjustable) - Not working (Probably 'll be like Chams) - As you can see on the buy screen, this feature is ''crossed out'', indicating that cheat devolopers are not planning to bring this feature in the near future. Its not a big problem cuz its not making big difference. Player Health ESP - Not working + In fact, adding this future will add a great deal of utility to the cheat. Because Knowing how much HP enemy has left will give you a great advantage. For example: You are using a Sniper and a pistol with a single shot mode and your enemy is hiding inside the building (close range combat). If you realize that your enemy has a ''low health'' or can be killed with a gun with single shot, you can enter the building easily ;). ----------- Zombie ESP (10 / 10) Show Boss - Works smoothly + The main purpose of the game is to evacuate the reward you received from the creature from the map as you know. This feature helps you locate the creature directly without looking for clues and allows you to organize a planned attack against other players. Show Walkers - Works smoothly - I do not recommend using it. Because a user who uses professional cheating is using the trick to be in a superior position against other people, not to be superior to the game's (AI) artificial intelligence . - It also makes a large image pollution on the screen. It will not be Big advantage for you to know where the AI is in the game (! except the boss !) Show Distance - Works smoothly + Shows the distance between you and the AI (Zombies [You can sort the zombies according to their class like dogs, hive... from the cheat menu] , Boss...) in the game + But using this feature to find the boss, which is the main purpose of the game, is very useful and makes you advantageous against other players. By reaching the area where the boss is located earlier than other players, you can plan against other players and win the game without revealing your trick. Walker Max Distance (0 / 800m) - Works smoothly + You choose the distance you want to see the AI creatures. Glow - Not working + Since it's not a very important feature, I understand why developers know that this feature `` isn't working '' but doesn't fix it (since it's unnecessary) so it means its not a big problem. ----------- Loot ESP (10 / ? Health Box - Works smoothly + Hunt, as you know, is a Hardcore FPS game (which means you can die quickly) Knowing the location of the life boxes in compounds provides you a great convenience while fighting with the enemy players. Ammo - Works smoothly + If you are using a fast bullet-firing "loadout". Having this feature ready will be to your advantage and will provide you a great convenience. Örnek: (Avtomat / Nitro Exp / Explosive Crosb...) Distance - Works smoothly + Shows how many meters you have between you and the lootable items on the map (a useful feature to position yourself against enemies before the battle begins in compound) For example: You have found the Boss and by ''seeing the distance of the traps'' to place a trap around, you can quickly position all traps around you according to your plan. Loot Max Distance (0 / 800m) - Works smoothly + Shows how many meters you have between you and the lootable items on the map. ----------- World (10 / 0) Time Of Day (0 / 24) - Not working Glow Amount ( 0 / 1.0) - Not working They are not very important features like ESP, so their ''notworking'' status is not a big problem. - WISH LIST - features that I think will make the cheat more useful Skeleton ESP for Player ESP Why? Because this feature gives you a great advantage in "taking a position against your opponent", which I mentioned above. (strongest esp feature u can use against the enemies in my opinion) + I'm telling you based on +4000 hours of gaming experience with wallhacks Advanced Settings for Ammo ESP Why? The players who using this cheat as a professionally (ı mean playin like legal against the enemies) they use certain LOADOUTS . For example: Mosin + Uppercut / DBarrel + Uppercut / Spark + Dolch..) In short, the type of bullet these people are looking for is long or special bullets. However, since the cheat does not have a distinction for the bullet feature, searching for bullets on the map can sometimes be boring and useless. Aimbot Please DONT add this. (yep its not a joke) Why? If you add the aimbot feature to this cheat, users will start banning from the game much faster. Because playing with the "aimbot" feature and seems like legal to other players is a situation that only ''very experienced'' players can do. + if you are a user like me and want ''these features'' added HS Cheat on the future Click Here and vote for "RoadMap" + IMPORTANT RECOMMENDATION "Learn to empathize and respect the work done" when posting a complaint message against managers / devolopers on the forums. You may think that hundreds of software developers work in the security teams of the big games. - Let's consider the number of people working on ChodCheats software team. - - (We dont know how many people are, it is normal that they do not explain this for ''security reasons'') - But, we can easily understand that corporate companies have fewer employees than their employees. So before I start complaining why these features are still not added to the cheat, It is necessary to congratulate the developers for the cheats they have made "Undetected" for so long. I hope the article I wrote was useful. Best Regards, coenZy
  3. Escape From Tarkov Beginner - Intermediate Cheat Guide Welcome, This guide is for everyone who has just bought EFT and chods cheats, and wants to get their Stash decked out with Item cases, Weapons cases, Money cases and most importantly a Sh*t Tonne of guns, To the players who already have a good stash and knowledge of the game. After Playing EFT since 0.2 and using chods cheats since March of this year I think i have some tips and methods that can help every player. This guide will go over 3 things: - How to setup and configure your cheat. - What to do and how to play with cheats. - How to get gear by using Tactics and methods. How to Setup & Configure your cheat: Firstly, We will need to inject the cheat into your game. If you have an issues when doing so refer to the startup guide made by Emiiru: https://chods-cheats.com/guides/nongame/startup-guide/ After the cheat has injected and you have EFT (Escape from Tarkov) Open press insert to open the cheat. You should see a menu like this: As you can see there are 9 Sections to the cheats menu, Also pay attention to the tab at the top right of the menu labelled "Safe Mode", This will be important later. There are 2 ways you can cheat in games, those two ways are referred to as "Legit" & "Rage". The difference between these two play styles is that "Legit" Means you use the cheat for a slight advantage and pretend to not be using cheats. Then there is raging where you blatantly Go all out on Helpless players. First what you want to do is decide which one of those play styles you want to do. If you want to play Legit then your going to want to Use a Low FOV Aimbot (or non at all) Possibly with No Recoil, No Sway and No breath. You may also want to make the speed of your aimbot around 2-5. Then goto visuals and you can toggle what you want, Radar Straight up ESP and fine tune it to your liking. Our next main cheat setting is Miscellaneous. A lot of these cheats are locked behind "Safe mode", However one of the best cheats of all time is "Auto Unlocker". This means you can open any locked room accessible or not. So this can be Good and bad. However if you want to leave Safe Mode on then you will have access to night vision which is also equally as good as it will be saving you money. If you want to play rage then get ready for fast Gear and a lot of fun !HOWEVER! you have a higher chance of being banned. Firstly Turn safe mode off, It's not going to help you, Go to aimbot and make the FOV pretty much anything that works for you. Put on EVERY SINGLE Aimbot setting other than probably "Auto Shoot", Make sure to turn on "Super Bullets" to maximise your damage. Next go to visuals and tweak what you want to your liking just make sure you actually enable it and your fine. Next Miscellaneous, I would recommend binding speed hack ( by right clicking on it tick box) to a key that you can easily press and make sure to select on while button pressed down from the drop box. And thats pretty much it for configuring your cheat. You can then mess around with the themes and other things until you like your config. (MAKE SURE TO SAVE YOUR CONFIG IN THE SETTINGS.) What to do and how to play with cheats: After your config is setup now you will need to actually play the game. Get together the best loadout you possibly can because the more gear you bring in the more gear you get back because you basically cant die (unless you come up against another hacker). For Beginners i would recommend Starting on the map factory and getting used to it as it is small and action packed. (If you are already used to EFT then this part of the guide wont come in handy to you, Sorry). Make sure you pick your PMC As your character as this is your actual player which has the gear from your stash: You will then have to pick the map "Factory" and choose the time as 3:45PM (13:45:00) As most players who wont dome you and aren't trading are on day time. Next you can insure your gear This is completely up to you whether you want to or not. Now you get into the game. Once in the game depending on your playstyle you will either play like normal, If playing Legit, and try to get loot and use your advantages to kill other players. If you are Raging Then you will speed hack to each and every player and get angles on them to try and kill them, If you die then try to configure your config better. After you have got enough loot what now... Well look for Gate 3 (a Big red gate with the number 3 above it) which is the only extraction you can use if you don't have the auto unlocker or factory key. If you have the auto unlocker you can also extract at gate 0 or the cellars underneath the forklift room. Once you are out put the gear you got in your stash and keep entering raids and get gear and progress through the levels of the game. Learn different maps and the games meta then you are ready for the final section of the guide How to get gear by using Tactics and methods: For our final section of the guide i will be sharing 2 of my methods on how to get Fast money and End game gear. It is important to note that you have to rage hack to do these two methods. My first tactic is the "Night time factory squad wipe". For this you will need to bring in Some Good gear and have good knowledge of how the Game works and the map factory. Once in make sure you select night vision on your cheat and tick it so you can see without having to pay. On your ESP find the other squads who are planning to find other squads and get OP gear, Time to rain on their parade. Try and get onto the Scaffolding and vents on the map so you have the high ground. Then you need to hold a cheesy angle and aimbot them and rinse them with super bullets. Once the squad is wiped effortlessly loot them and get their OP Gear then extract. Rinse and repeat until you are decked out with end game gear and a lot of money. My next method involves wiping everyone on shoreline. Head into shoreline with a Glock and a tommy mag for it. Make sure you have super bullets on as it will shred through enemies. Also bring a big backpack, Meds, Armour and a helmet. Once in the game Speed hack to the Hospital and camp all the entrances. When all the squads come in you will already have the drop on them. Proceed to lace them with rounds and take as much of their gear you can carry. Next check the bitcoin spawns on the map and see if any BTC's spawned. Follow this guide to find all the BTC's: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxY3qXPVACg Rinse and Repeat until you are filled with OP gear and a lot of money. Thats pretty much it for this guide. If you ever need any help or want to play with me on EFT send me a PM and i will gladly help you guys. Enjoy cheesing!
  4. As of right now I have found one fix to the crashing issue that is common among people using the WW2 cheat, I only crash the most often when a game ends and my fix I have found that has been working for me is near the end of the game when it is showing the play of the game I will shift+tab to the steam in-game overlay and wait for it to load me out of the game. This has worked everytime I have done it and I also recommend playing in fullscreen because it lessens how often you will crash as well. Thank you for your support and I look forward to posting more threads for the community - Le Lupe's Reviews & Guides Team
  5. Just like the startup guide, this is a repost of the csgo streamproofing guide for anyone who is having the issue and can't find the thread. The original guide thread is here Guide by: @imcrazed Hello guys, Today I wanted to make a quick but simple tutorial on how to setup stream proofing for the Counter-Strike Cheat. Here are some frequently asked questions about stream proofing: What is stream proofing? Stream proofing is a feature in this cheat that allows you to use obs/other game capture software without the ESP/Visual assistance showing on your screen while you are recording or streaming. With this example, I'm going to show how to use it with OBS. I find this the quickest and easiest way to stream/record the game you play while hiding your ESP/Visual assistance. Why would stream proofing be useful? A lot of the time people use stream proofing to hide their ESP from the audience while they record game play or stream. This allows you to trick the audience into believing that you are a legit and well skilled player. Twitch also bans people that use ESP in their streaming platform and using this can help prevent that because they can't see your walls if you get reported. Why is my screen flickering and why is it not working? You probably had OBS or your game capture software opened in the background, please make sure it is closed before the cheat is injected into your game. Here is how you setup stream proofing with Chod's: MAKE SURE YOU HAVE YOUR GAME CAPTURE SOFTWARE CLOSED BEFORE YOU DO THIS PROCESS Step 1- You will need to purchase/own an active chod's cheat subscription for any game that Chod supports stream proofing on. Stream proofing will work on both of these Chod's subscriptions for CS:GO (A list for all supported games will be in the f.a.q above) Step 2- Login to the loader and pause when you get to the cheat selection menu Step 3- Click the cheat that you purchased with the available stream proofing feature (DON'T CLICK INJECT YET) Step 4- The stream proof option will be on the right of the loader. It should be enabled by default, but check it to make sure. Once you have checked to make sure you have stream proofing enabled, you can launch the cheat now. Step 5- After you open up your selected game and have the cheat injected, open up your selected program to stream/record on. I'm currently using OBS for this tutorial, but any other game capture software should work just as well. Your obs should look something like this: Step 6- You want to add a new game capture for the current game you are injected in. You can accomplish this in OBS by right clicking and clicking game capture Step 7- You will be opened into the properties of the game capture, and you want to make your properties as following csgo.exe will be what you will be changing depending on the game you're using stream proofing on If everything is done correctly, your stream proofing should look just like this I hope I was able to help you enable stream proofing in your game Edit: If you still can see the visuals, make sure "capture 3rd party overlays" is off.
  6. All credit to @Emiiru for the original post here, I am only reposting this info for the newer people to the community who may be having issues finding the original guide.SetupThere's not much setup needed, but I'll guide you through what you need to do. If you have disabled DEP, you need to enable it and set it to OptIn: Start CMD as admin -> bcdedit /set {current} nx OptIn Get a USB drive/device that you can put the cheats on Some SanDisk USB'S doesn't show up as removable drive so they don't work with the cheat, so preferably avoid these USB's Optional: Make your own default config, or get a config. You can find user-made configs in our config submissions forum. Member panelThe member panel is where you download the cheat, see subscription time, request hwid reset, see current server status. (And cheat status)You can find the link to the member panel on the top right of pagesCheatTo cheat you first need a USB like mentioned above. For EAC & Stream/Screenshot instructions check the specific sections below. Close steam Login to the member panel, and click "Launch client" to download the client, remember to save to your USB drive. Start the client from your USB. If you get any errors please check the Problems and solutions thread if you don't get any errors just proceed. Enter your username, and password (Remember both are case sensitive) and click login. Select a cheat. Press the Launch button, the client will now load the cheat. Start steam with admin. (right click and click "Start as administrator") Start the game. (There will be a small delay before the cheat appears/works) Press the "insert" / "ins" key on your keyboard to open up the cheat menu to configure the cheat. ( In some cases you may need to be alive or have the pause menu open first.) Stream/screenshootYou need to start your streaming software after you've injected the cheat, or enable the scene after injection.In OBS don't enable "Capture third party overlays" in the game scene options.EACYou need to inject in this order for EAC:1. Client2. Cheat3. Steam4. EAC5. CSGOConfigsConfigs allows you to save the changes you've made to the configuration.You can load configs by selecting them in the list (in the settings menu) and pressing load, or typing it manually in the end in the input box and pressing load.How to get a config of a other member:Follow him on the forum and you see his public configs in your cheat menu -> shared configs.HWIDHardware ID (HWID) is basically the identification of your computer, which is based on things like CPU, HDD, MB, RAM, GPU, and so on..We lock the cheats to your HWID, so whenever you change a component you will need to request a HWID reset through the member panel.Resets can take up to 48 hours
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