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Posts posted by oldbomber23

  1. @JohnWhite   @WTFCharlie

    I agree somewhat as you can tell from my older posts in this thread, and that is why my solution is that aimbot for Hunt should be a VIP only feature to avoid ragers who would rage with aimbot consistently and constantly. Chod's Cheats have been mostly undetected, and most people get "detected" due to personal play and not the cheese being found out, so VIP only would solve most of that problem. Less ragers or to put it nicely, ignorantly careless cheesers, which would mean less attention being drawn.

    • Like 2
  2. Well friend you've come to the right place! As I always say, it's nice to see a new face within the community! Thanks for choosing Chod's Cheats!

    The Hunt: Showdown cheese is very solid for the price, and with aimbot coming in the future but NO ETA.

    Also friendly notice, make sure to have a portable USB ready in order to use the cheese here, as recently some newer members bought cheese without reading requirements thoroughly. Hope you enjoy your stay, and thanks again for choosing CC as your cheese provider! ?

  3. 8 hours ago, lvcrxrcr said:

    Just wanted to say - I was hardware banned for reasons COMPLETELY my fault (I was having too much fun and couldn't control myself HAHAHAHAH)"


    BUT - When I requested for my subscription to be moved to a different game, they did so within like 2 minutes!  AMAZING service guys.    The cheats are great almost never detected (usually only manual bans for being obvious), and the service is even better.

    Wow that's a new one! First time hearing about cheese sub being moved to another cheese. Nice!!!!

  4. 1 hour ago, AlkoBudalko said:

    stop with all the colors ffs. are you like 5

    Please do not to insult other members, we like to keep this forum toxic free. Thanks. Keep comments respectful.

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  5. 20 hours ago, jackgankem said:

    are you guys ever going to make these hacks stream proof / video recording friendly?

    Some of the discontinued cheese use to provide, I'm confident it will make a return.

    Anyways welcome to the community and thanks for choosing Chod's Cheats. :D

  6. 5 hours ago, Kentainw47a said:

    Thx! If u know, does deadside HWID ban?

    I have not heard of Deadside HWID banning people. Don't think the game is big enough.

    Anyways welcome to the community, and thanks for choosing Chod's Cheats.

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