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Everything posted by sheyu

  1. Sorry, it's temporarily unavailable.
  2. Yes, buy the black number to test the function.
  3. I can tell you from my five hours of play that I had a pretty good experience. As a new player, I don't have as much experience as a veteran But I obeyed the command from the commander.Chod's Cheats!Makes me a powerful breakout player.Help me kill many enemies。 Below are my scores for this product. Aimbot :actor mode 9/10, angry mode 7/10 Visuals:9/10 Speedhack:10/10 Show health of your soldier:10/10 No Recoil:10/10 No Sway:10/10 The only drawback of Visuals is that the stickman is sometimes inconsistent with the box when the player is moving fast. The acceleration mode and no recoil and no sway, I give full marks to these functions are perfect. When no one is paying attention to me, I can use the acceleration mode to quickly go around behind the enemy to make a surprise attack. No recoil, no swing, making it easier for me to kill enemies in actor mode As for Aimbot, we can't hit the player who is moving 300 meters away when we play the game in an angry state. Unless he stays still. (I don't recommend everyone to kill the players casually in an angry state, so that there will be no fun soon) If we play the game in actor mode, this product is a very good choice. Hope this comment is helpful to you. I also commented on this product in the shopping mall, Hope that Chod's Cheats will be stable forever. ?
  4. 官网可以信用卡,也可以支付宝的,或者在经销商购买也可以。
  5. VID_20210302_221737.mp4 视频质量有点差, 有一些事情要做,所以游戏没有继续。 CC新版猎杀对决.mkv 1523712877_CC.mp4 VID_20210302_221737.mp4
  6. 新的开启方法( New opening method ) English: https://chods-cheats.com/guides/nongame/startup-guide/ 中文 : https://shimo.im/docs/RHqJ8tP9DdQvvpYg
  7. 新的开启方法( New opening method ) English: https://chods-cheats.com/guides/nongame/startup-guide/ 中文 : https://shimo.im/docs/RHqJ8tP9DdQvvpYg
  8. Come on, I will always support you. Let me know if I can help you I will help as much as I can.
  9. Did you use other things, such as unlocking all the skin Pendant in the mall and all the DLC. (it is possible to ban the use of out of print pendant if it is reported) Self aimed hunter, he's safe. Many of my customers are using it and they are very satisfied. If you are not so obvious and are not reported many times in a short time, you must be safe. Even some of my clients use acceleration, which is particularly obvious, but he doesn't do it every game. None of them has been banned.
  10. sheyu

    Sincere advice

    Thank you for your affirmation and supplement
  11. 简单录制了一个CC的开启视频. 716187312_CC.mp4
  12. The box gets smaller when it's dead, and the distance doesn't change
  13. 有想赚佣金或白嫖科技用的可以加群找管理
  14. QQ群:782283847 咨询可加 代购可加 开黑可加 脑残,记者,憨批勿扰。
  15. I need a 100 key discount

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