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kimbo123 last won the day on January 4 2023

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About kimbo123

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  1. warten, ob es zurück ist 🙃
  2. Happy new Year Dude!
  3. does virtualization have to be on or off? Why is this no longer included in the description? Or am I blind again? Can be anything 🙂
  4. you must know that I was recently banned because I was still playing Marauders. so I'm surprised that this has changed for me
  5. so I have to do the same for chods yes ? Because I am puzzled, when I open the task manager, it says virtualising is active. So does that mean I have to disable it as well? Does the cheat work without? I ask because I wonder. I don't know when I should have set this.
  6. Hello people, important question for you, to what extent do I need to pay attention to these things? - Disable Secure / Fast Boot - Disable VXT "Virtualization" in BIOS? I remembered that in Hunt it was important to disable VXT, right? Is this still the case? what happens if you do not do this?
  7. thank you for your answer. I have one last question, is it enough to replace individual hardware parts or do I have to completely replace everything? I have already collected a lot of information. I will try it all out and check it out. It does not matter if I play with or without spoofer. I always get banned. I can promise you that I will not play too crazy, I am 18 years in the ESP game. But thank you for all the ideas :)!🙃
  8. The same with Hunt Showdown. I will 100% have a hardware ID ban. I heard on reddit that if you have an Hardware ID ban - you have to format your pc 100% because EAC places files on the computer. I know you can't play without a spoofer. I bought a working spoofer for Huntshowdown and still got banned 24 hours later. I would like to combine the spoofer with chods but now I'm afraid that Eac files will be placed on my computer. Does anyone know if I need to consider more than protection`? 1. VPN 2. spoofer 3. chods what more can I do to have even more security?
  9. Thanks for your quick reply. How do you think Marauders bans? I'm beginning to suspect that I have an IP ban. I know that the Ip ban is easy to bypass and that normally it is not banned, but it is strange because I was also banned on another PC and there only ESP was used. What do you think?
  10. Hi guys I have a question for you. I already have a ban maybe a hardware ID ban in Hunt Showdown. You use Easy anti cheat for this. I have a question, is the HardwareID ban already account spanning also for other games like Marauders? I was banned the first time in Marauders and wonder why. Is the hardware ID ban visible to eac for all EAC games? I need to know please. Because then it makes no sense for me to get other cheese if they are protected by Eac. Thanks!
  11. Hey,I have the exact same thing. I guess it's normal for the reboot to happen. You shouldn't worry.
  12. I have the same Problem but i think chods is working very god and professionell.
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