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aquarius last won the day on August 21 2022

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  1. Yo guys! Please read carefully! is not a trick or something i sell, its just something i did and worked for me. In my case, worked for Fortnite and Paladins. Unfortunately didn't work ( at least for me) on Apex Legends. 1. Simply removed the bios battery for about 10 minutes ( i went to the store for a coke) 2. I hope your mother board bios is outdated. Yeah, you hear me, outdated. After you plug in the bios battery, next step is to update your mother board bios. Now, this can be a little tricky or out of the hand for some to do it, but just go to mother board manufacturer and download the latest bios update. I used a USB drive to do it. So, since you are using Chod's Cheats, you have one around 100% ( fortnite/paladins use motherboard serial for hwid ban) 3. Change your RAM slots. For example if you have RAM in slots 2 and 4, remove them and plug them in slot 1 and 3. 4. Now do a clean Windows install. But i mean CLEAN 100%. Dont keep anyting on C partition. Format, delete C partition. Be aware, use a deep unistaller for steam/epic and other games. i use iObit unistaller. it just delete all left overs and registry Now, if you did all steps above try your game to see if you can play without fast ban or get kicked out of the match. I repeat, worked for me for FORTNITE and PALADINS. Good luck!
  2. 1. Name of the Game: SMITE ( by hi-rez)2. Name of the Engine: Easy Anti-cheat 3. Why you want to have a cheat for it: This game already have ESP and in-game map to show enemies. So an aimbot so we can never miss any spell would be great.
  3. 1. First of all, you dont wanna buy it cause its like the cheapest cheese around. I mean, why would you pay 17 GBP when you can buy one with 30 Euro, or 50? So just dont buy it cause its the cheapest one. 2. You dont want this cause its so damn easy to use. Put it on a UBS drive , have the virtualization ON and VOILA! No, take another one where you have to change 10000 things on your windows, disable all overlays in all programs and create new windows batched boot. 3. You dont want this one cause its still bloody undetected. Go get one of those new ones where you will get ban fast. Look at the bright side, you can always start over. 4. Chod's is offering full comepesantion of the subscription while is down during the update. So why would you want that? You dont, so dont buy it. 5. Chod's never add an option to cheese before testers are doing their job good. So, you better go to those providers who have like 2000 options added and then EAC get you banned. 6. Just dont buy it cause you can select bone where to shot. So why would you do that? why would you go safe and not hit only headshots? 7. Also there is this little thing called ''prdicition'', so you can play as a pro with Cassie , Sha-Lin , Imani, etc. But dont bother, go get a cheese where you can only go headshot. 8. Dont buy if you wanna play it on 3 accounts, like me, for about 6 months and never get ban. 1 account is GM and 2 are master. I mean, who would wanna be GM in paladins and look legit?
  4. why 10 years old kids are allowed but things on internet?
  5. 1. Name of the Game: Rogue Company2. Name of the Engine: Easy Anti-cheat/ unreal engine 43. Why you want to have a cheat for it: Its a breand new game from hi-rez. Some kind a mix beteween counter strike, overwatch . And since you already have 2 cheats for hi-rez ( paladins and realm royale), probably will be easy to make one for Rogue Company
  6. Agree! Paladins need prediction
  7. i woudl recomand the one with direct hit. are the easiest to play with . For damage: Viktor, Tyra, Lian, Kinessa, Strix, Sha-Lin, Vivian. For flank: Androxus, Buck, Koga, Skye, Lex, Talus and Zhin only if you know the champion For tank: Raum, Barik, Atlas, Makoa, Inara, Khan and Ruckus For heal ( damage + heal) Jenos, Ghrok and Ying. I dont play HEAL 100% only as 2nd support ( heal+ damage) so for heal only i guess ESP will be enough, if you play healer 100% Dont play the 5 matches of ranked untill you get familiar with the game and you can them easy. The more you win your first 5 ranked games, the higher you will get in rank
  8. Viktor, Lian, Strix, Tyra, Andro, Koga, Raum, Inara, Barik, Ying and Jenos
  9. This good! Imagine to start playing from bronze and make your way up to MASTER RANK! Yes MASTER! Of course i am trying to get to grand master. Master Rank are 2% best players from paladins.
  10. aquarius

    aim bot

    did you read the product information? LOL! there is no aimbot there...
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