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About GreyKnightsCantina

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  1. Happy New Years! Better late than Never.
  2. Hello Everyone! I hope everyone had a good Christmas and a good New Years Day! I have been absent for some time but its a new breath of fresh air to return to Chod and the Community. I look forward to what the new year holds for all of us!
  3. I would remind yourself that cheesing is risky. Having an alternate account is a form of "protection". Just at the end of the day enjoy the cheese and play it safe. Make sure that you do everything in your power to make your gameplay "legit" and of course making sure you fully understand the "how to" for making your experience safe. I hope that helps. Enjoy your gaming
  4. I agree. As a community we just have to show our support to Chod and his Team and wait for a great product.
  5. i can agree with that. Ghost Face and Freddy Krueger scared me alot. For the sole reason that as a kid i would have nightmares of being chased by them haha
  6. Yeah no problem for the response. But the client should be back up now. enjoy your gaming!
  7. 1. Hunt Showdown 2. CryEngine 3. Anti Cheat
  8. Welcome! This is a great community! I hope you enjoy your stay here!
  9. I have had this issue before. Based on my experience with it. The software is currently being worked on so please give Chod and his team some time to get it back up. I hope that helps you
  10. Start off by giving credit where it is due. Chod and the Team deserve a lot for putting out a great cheese for Dead By Daylight. Now i want to start out with how EASY it is to understand the USER FRIENDLY menu. If you are a veteran user or this is your first cheese, regardless of your experience you will navigate the menu with ease. ESP (Far left menu when INSERT is pressed) If you don't know what ESP is i will put it in laymans terms, you will see the location of all Survivors and Killer. Very helpful in a game where you as a survivor is trying to escape a possible death from the many killers. ESP gives you the edge to make sure that YOU have full control on your experience within the game. But not only does Chod's ESP provide you with the location of the survivors and killer indicated by a box around the player. You have the option to see the distance of the killer from you and you have the option to see the if a survivor is being hooked or being picked up. Pretty cool features that allow full control on how you experience the game. ESP Menu Section The ESP part of the menu is very EASY to understand. Whatever, option you want ON or OFF is completely up to you. All you have to do is CHECK THE BOX next to the option that you want. Nothing more really to say about how to navigate and utilize the features. Skill Check After you properly inject the cheese from your flash drive (if you have Chod's flash drive you are a legend) The menu will pop up after the time you have set as expired. Which will show three menus. the second menu will deal with skill checks. If you don't know what that is, i will break it down. Skill checking within Dead By Daylight is the bread and butter of the game besides trying to survive or trying to kill the survivors. Whatever action you take as a survivor may it be repairing a generator and or healing a teammate (there is others but i am going to cover the main ones). While repairing a generator or healing a teammate, you will be giving a skill check in which you will have to push SPACE on your keyboard at the right time as a indicator goes in a circle. Depending on your survivor you have chosen or the items you have brought with you will allow the skill check be bigger for easier completion. However, with this second menu, you can customize how you deal with skill checks. You have the option to allow automatic skill checks, which means you don't have to press any button to do a successful skill check. But if you enjoy doing skill checks, you have the option to customize how the skill check will be for you. For example you can increase the size of success area of the skill check. Set BloodPoints(RISKY) Blood Points is the in-game currency you get after completing challenges or completing a game, that you use to upgrade your survivor or killer. To utilize the SET BLOODPOINTS option is RISKY, next to the option it will remind you that it is RISKY TO USE. So please use this at YOUR OWN RISK. THE RAGE MENU(RISKY) The rage menu is exactly how it sounds. If the game is making you RAGE you have the option to utilize the rage menu. I am not going to get too much into this part of the menu. Chod and The Team has made that menu as USER FRIENDLY as possible. For example you have the option to teleport to the nearest survivor. I hope you see the risk involved with doing that. However, it is an option and you are allowed to do what you want with the options provided. But REMEMBER DO IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. I hope you all have enjoyed the review i have provided. I am aware there is some features in the menu but i wanted to focus on the main options. This review is for new or veteran users. So have fun escaping with your life or making sure NO ONE escapes
  11. Being a huge fan of Star Wars, i am also a Horror Fan. Just for fun i would like to see what your favorite SLASHER is. Will it be Ghost Face? Maybe the terrifying Leather Face? or even the killer who haunts our dreams...Freddy Krueger?
  12. How is everyone? I am posting just to see how everyone is doing! I like to hear from the community.
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