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Everything posted by xianfiro

  1. Now 40m roubles available. Still can trade, in despite of last patch.
  2. Finished sucsesfull trade for 10 000 000 roubles. Still have more
  3. Hello there. All money farmed by hands, no dupe/cheat/hacks, only live "grab-fight-and-go" playstyle. Price 1 million = 2$ Each 2 million - free wallet Each 8 millions - free doc case 10% Discount for each 10 mill bought, to 30% max. Trade via flea If you have any questions - add me on discord xianfiro#3071 Current working time: from 5 AM GMT to 6-7 PM GMT. If you can't catch me in that time - PM into discord, we will solve this fast.
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