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Everything posted by xianfiro

  1. bump, stash value 310m+ btc farm lvl3 50 hours left. More armors and cases.
  2. WTS 62lvl acc + kappa + mailRU/CIS version (you need VPN for launcher if you not from CIS region, or upgrade version to worldwide)Stash value: 273 594 336Inside stash: 3 nade cases, 6 THICC item cases, 5 THICC weapon cases, 4 regular item cases, 1 regular weapon case, 21 AMMO box, 3 money cases, 3 junk cases, 3 magazine cases.Thicc cases filled with top-tier equipment:https://prnt.sc/y2hUbptyeNFwhttps://prnt.sc/YYKILWH5gIZxhttps://prnt.sc/lFs5oRgMKVFqhttps://prnt.sc/jGcYdcXORHYmhttps://prnt.sc/mL_q9Ps4ltPEhttps://prnt.sc/hQg0Bdy075PKThicc weapon cases:https://prnt.sc/b1d8zp1C9KbRhttps://prnt.sc/AbIB8_q8Ay-wSmall cases:https://prnt.sc/fNqoQC2pZYsdhttps://prnt.sc/r8Hw8xoHrmdG2 junk cases with gpu/btc:https://prnt.sc/U9YUcHh-gYYe1 junk case are for flea-sellings3 nade cases:https://prnt.sc/QoIGmEY-b_Maammo:8k 7.62 BP1.5k m61600 m9932.1k m622k m803.7k BS3.7k Igolnik3k ss1902.7k ss1932.5k SPP2.5k .45 AP6k 855a11.5k 995Keycards:3 card holders, yellow, violet, green, blue, black keycardsAll keysets for all mapsElite strength, 30+ endurance, Elite metabolism.60m+ roubles, 80k+ dollars.Hideout: all maxed, except lvl 3 btc farm and solar panel. Payment: wmz/payoneer/ebayAsk direct questions here: xianfiro#3071
  3. up to trade, 150+ available, 1.49$ price, xianfiro#3071
  4. Back to the serivce, up for trading. Stash ~65mill available.
  5. out of stock. add in discord for faster service xianfiro#3071
  6. now 20 mill. Eft status: down. No1 in BSG expect hard online grow. Kek. Roflmao.
  7. Out of stock for this year, guys. Merry christmas every1!
  8. Sold few millions via ebay, still working on. Currently available ~30millions. My profile
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