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Everything posted by Rockstar23

  1. Haha aye thanks for the giveaway appreciate it
  2. That's why you play smart. And only use esp for example. Or just play very carefully
  3. Only works if you're pushing them. If you get pushed they have the advantage
  4. Lol, the only cheat for eft i've been using now is a vpn. Get your ping higher. Get that 1 second advatage
  5. Yea lol, when the cheats come out i kindof want to wait a day to use them. Since y,know could be some issues and a bunch of people get detected. I want to wait for it to be 100% and people have been using it for a while
  6. I hope everyone is having an amazing day 

  7. Yea true, but if your account gets reported they can check your stats
  8. Yea, i plan on not using aimbot at all. Just player esp but like a 200m range. and rare loot esp
  9. Yea whenever i'm in raid it freezes every once in a while and absolutely nothing works than i get the big blue error saying it crashsed
  10. Also depends if the account has money and gear
  11. I love cheese bro. I melt cheese and rub it on my nipples nah jk
  12. Mines actually been crashing quite a bit recently too
  13. And players could be recording too and just report you
  14. If the cheese goes private i hope we get in lol. Yea i used to use aimbot quite a bit actually. But i than realized i do have a good shot without it. So i just kindof implement the information from esp. And make the scenario as if i had heard them or something. And sometimes i even turn esp off mid fight. Also if it's a streamer i avoid them or i turn off all cheese and record the fight. So if i do kill them i can't be called out and i have proof xD. I've never used infinite stam thought too scared,
  15. Yea it's really weird. I think it's just wrong raid kinda situation. Like someone could be watching at a certain time or something like that. I used auto unlocked on a different cheese and got banned instantly after the raid
  16. True true, you'll have to be a lot more carefull now lol. My highest k/d was 32. And my highest escape streak was 23. Then i got banned
  17. Yea, and when i first tried a cheese for tarkov. I couldn't play without them again. I found the game too slow and boring lol
  18. Well first of all. I think anyone who cheats should try to keep it low key. (depends on the game too) But in EFT I think everyone should keep it as low key as possible. I've cheated in eft for a year now roughly. Only stopped because of .12 Personally, i've gone through 4 accounts. all standard accounts. And i've been ip banned and shit i just have to use a vpn to access the website and what not. I always keep my FOV Of aimbot on 1-3. Never more than 4. And i never have it go for the head. Only neck and chest. Even if i have a clear headshot i wait untill i see neck or chest. I don't make large plays based off of information from ESP. I try to seem oblivious to other players but always ready to react. I usually don't even use aimbot actually. Just ESP, i also don't ever get my escape streak above 10. I always make sure i lose some. And i keep my K/D Under 10. gotta keep it lo key. Now it's taken me 4 accounts to get here. My first account i borderline raged hacked and i was banned extremely quick. My second account, my friend used my hacks. My Third account i really did play lo key (or so i thought) i was super carefull. but i was marked and banned. My Fourth account i was really lo key i never even used aimbot. But i killed a streamer, because i slightly prefired the wrong corner. Now on my fith account, i have purchased EOD. In hopes to make me seem less suspicous. But there's a lot more at risk. So how does everyone play? Let me know. thank you for reading this. Have a good day
  19. Just curious, first of all great work chod. Absoulutely amazing work. Your cheats are just beautifull. By far my favourite. I intend to only shop here from now on out. But i've been curios. Lets say for example EFT cheat goes up in price or goes invite only. People who have already purchased subscriptions and that. Will they get to continue usuing the cheat?
  20. My journey Begins

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