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Reece_MC last won the day on November 11 2019

Reece_MC had the most liked content!


About Reece_MC

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  1. They already made one but may not continue to work on it
  2. 1. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam 2. Unreal Engine 3 3. Anyone that plays this game who likes to use cheese would jump at the opportunity
  3. Nice to meet you buddy welcome to cheesy Chods community
  4. How's it going guys i joined July 27th 2019 I go by the name of Reece_MC and i've been active on the forums this month for the first time just browsing helping where i could and creating content for the community basically doing my part for the community i guess to be quite honest i don't know where else to take this ? so nice to meet any of you i haven't encountered yet and look forward to meeting you.
  5. Welcome buddy look forward to see what you will contribute to the community in the future see you around ?
  6. Who knows Chods team are focusing on the already existing cheats on the store so it most definitely won't happen anytime soon or at all you can only hope ?
  7. Enjoy buddy definitely chose the correct place to purchase your cheese well crafted and as safe as you'll get using cheese
  8. Exactly the thing is you get value for your money purchasing anything from chod as i have noticed when purchasing the majority of cheese they sold . #Perfection
  9. Keep yourselves updated and follow the news on the forum the price is not final just a placeholder until they decide what the cheese is worth as this has been carefully coded and made properly no corners are being cut everything has to be perfect this is chods project after all ? so be patient and i guarantee i will be worth the wait .
  10. My overall impression on the apex cheese after 24 hours of playtime Aimbot Rating=9.5/10 Pro's The lock on works well on targets while also being able to swiftly switch between targets. The FOV (Field Of View) works very well with the aimbot once you have tweaked it and tailored it to how you like it. The Visibility feature is a handy to not lock on to targets not visible on the battlefield and target ones that are which prevents the unneeded waste of ammo . The Smoothing feature is also really useful as it works in harmony with the aimbot and allows you to tweak how aggressive the lock on to targets is . Con's The Prediction works well with most guns but DMR'S/Sniper Rifles not so much i feel like it's a little slow while sniping a moving target. Visuals Rating=9.5/10 Pro's The Health and shield feature is really well done accurately tracks their health points on both very well. The Spectator tracker is a nice touch easier to keep tabs on when you're being watched when you aren't going full rage mode. The Glow & Fade out options are a must as it gives you a nice silhouette when aiming through different obstacles watching the facing position. The Distance option allows you to tailor how far you want to see targets as well as see exactly how close a target is in meters. Con's The Box option doesn't seem to work well with other visuals and seems to use unneeded resources causing lag (Which is understandable with it being in beta) Overall Rating=9.5/10 In the cheese's current state and with it being in the beta i phase i would say already it is professionally built and undoubtedly undetected and safe for the user and showcases many features which for the most part work very well and already say this cheese is like a fine wine it is definitely going to get better with time with many new features making the users experience better and more prestigious as a cheese I look forward to following the progress made on this cheese! I Highly Recommend this cheese without a doubt in my mind! - Reece_MC
  11. Love the time and dedication you put into your cheats and not rushing them throwing them out because it's extra $$$ and people to start getting banned that's what sets you apart from other competitors you take your time and make sure it's top quality and safe any questions the support team answer your problems ASAP this is why i haven't gone anywhere else and will continue to purchase your products so with that being said keep doing what you're doing that's what makes you easily the best out here. So well done Boys & Girls look forward to all the things you do in the future.
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