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Everything posted by kennethsw

  1. Looking great! Very excited to try this out!
  2. "I see a light at the end of the tunnel now, is the wait really over soon?" Great work guys. Looking forward to the future release of the other cheeses.
  3. I am very excited to try this out! Keep up the great work.
  4. Huge thanks for the update, I was never worried that you wouldn't pull through, but the reassurance is nice. Good job, I am looking forward to this!
  5. Thanks for the update, I have great faith in you guys, and I am definitely sticking around!
  6. I would love that. Please do send me an invite in a pm.
  7. Have been cheating on and off for quite a while, started with CS:GO, APB: Reloaded and some Monster Hunter World. I just found this community yesterday, and I must say, I am impressed. I have bought the Escape From Tarkov cheat, and it worked like a charm, sadly it's down currently. But this stuff happens obviously. Also, would love to find people to play EFT with, it gets a little lonely stealing peoples gear all by yourself ?
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