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Everything posted by sentocnik

  1. Great work! It looks like vanilla cheat I used - which is great. Would like to see basic features as NoVisor and NoSpread, Recoil reduction bar slider etc. Security is of concern to me. BE seems to update randomly, giving different coding and detecting allready 'safe' cheats. Seems like its done around (7pm UK time) without any updates to Tarkov, just background BE database gets updated while game is still working normally. Wouldn't know how often tho. So Im interested in how the workaround is being made to cheat the BE or just to detect the update and shut down to prevent bans? Just my 2 cents.
  2. Devblog is amazing. As long as it is updated, it will make the community more aware of the devs work and will make customers happy to see progress in the works.
  3. Hi guys, If anybody has any footage recorded and is willing to share I would like to edit it into a EFT video for the community. Requirements: 1. 1080p 60fps 2. Uploaded with a link to download 3. Footage using Chod's cheese and/or epic plays, cinematic moments Im currently unable to record so I need material. Danke!
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