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Everything posted by Linky

  1. Totally happy that my patience is paying off... Also very glad to see Chod and team are taking their time to perfect the product. I have a couple of remarks, though: 1. Loot filter is essential, since some maps are FILLED with all sorts of loot, your monitor will be cluttered with unnecessary info. Also, sometimes, you are looking for specific loot for quests or your hideout or to make a quick buck. Please consider loot filters in the initial release. 2. The price range of 40GBP/ 40Euro is the golden average between affordability and exclusivity. It will keep many "ragers" from buying the using the cheat in an obvious or trolling way (especially to stream snipe), AND easily replacing their accounts and cheats if lost. I think this price tag will - at least - give Chod Cheats a good headstart before the EFT community jumps on the fact that there is a working cheat and cheaters abound. 3. Playstyle will DEFINITELY have to change with the new cheat and BE: I have always advocated for a "safe" playstyle, exactly like some other user here said: use the cheat as an assistance tool, not as your main weapon. Don't be obvious about your cheating. Pimp out your weapons. Allow yourself to die to other players who you observe as being good (just get a cheap loadout and go die). Watch out for your K/D ratio and survival rate and do naked factory runs to keep them in check. Don't do a bee line for raid bosses because it will obvious you're seeing them through an ESP. In short: PLAY AS IF A DEV IS IN THE BACKSEAT MONITORING YOU. 4. A big THANK YOU to the admins of the forum for keeping up the communication alive and replying fast and informative to everyone, and for the screenshots of the progress. I cannot stress how important that is to keep your community (and customers)'s morale up. I honestly uninstalled Tarkov since the cheat went down. I stuck with my promise of not playing the game without a cheese (I suck massively ). But now I'm thrilled at the fact of re-installing the game, firing my HWID spoofer and cheesing my way to 40 and beyond, all the while filling my stash to the brim and pimping my hideout to excellence. Thank you Chod... a toast to you, Feary, Faceless and all the unknown soldiers in the background ??
  2. Noticing some font change and how loot crates are marked now (barrel, wood). Also, ESP is waaay more detailed now (BOT vs. Player clearly shown). All in all, THANK YOU for the update and the screenshot. It will restore a lot of faith among some of those who might be losing faith. I am waiting patiently, and trust Chod and team to deliver a top-notch, secure and, hopefully, affordable product, so we can maintain an edge over the competition Maybe some update on the expected cost would be great next time. No hurries, though
  3. Take your time. Make it the best it can be... Everyone is just sitting around waiting for 0.12 to drop anyways
  4. Hi. Just returned from my vacation to see all those changes. I understand the price hike, but I have a question: my sub expired but I have alrady bought a sub code which I haven't activated yet (for one month). Does this mean I have to pay the difference between the old price and the new price once I activate the sub under the new protection system? (Speaking about EFT) Thanks Chod for all the fun you've given us. It was certainly worth the price, and I hope the price changes woun't be too enormous (like the DayZ sub).
  5. Hopefully I'll win this time. EFT chedder plz
  6. It's about time so here goes, name's Linky (real name will remain undisclosed). In real life I'm a journalist and TV/Youtube host for a big multinational broadcaster (no bullshit). I also offer media and strategy consultations for governments (yeah, I'm that shadow guy who spin doctors anything bad to look good. Hate me), so I don't have a lot of time for games. I play almost always very late at night or early in the morning, and my friends and colleagues don't play games (because they have metal sticks up their arses). Oh yeah, and my work takes me to some really fucked up places around the world, so I learned to handle weapons and basic room-clearing tactics from my trusty companions/guards ? (And I get invited to a lot of movie special effects sets to watch stunts... I love that) I can't for the love of anything holy develop the awareness of scavs and other players in Tarkov, and I really enjoy phat loot, and hate getting domed every 5 minutes. So I did my research and found Chod to have a high probability of not getting my account banned. So I subbed
  7. Love to all Chod's team for not letting us down and being so customer-friendly. Escape from Tarkov please.
  8. Better change my name now... "Kotton" doesn't seem legit, anyway
  9. I'm sorry, but I'm sure you'll understand that I have a healthy dose of skepsism. I got scammed before (nothing personal). Once the email change goes through, I'll be happy to pick this up again if no one else is interested. Thanks and I apologize for any inconvenience.
  10. Hi, I'm interested (only EFT. Have Blizzard already). Is it tied to your email or a new one? Do you accept paypal?
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