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FSX last won the day on December 12 2021

FSX had the most liked content!


About FSX

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  1. FSX


    merry christmas everyone
  2. With the release of the new battle royale developed by GeeGee, it would be nice to see a Super People cheat. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1190340/SUPER_PEOPLE/
  3. IN STOCK: 25,129,499 Roubles Hello All. Im currently selling EFT roubles for 70 cents for 1 million. DM me on here to negotiate. Also can take special offers. My "in stock" status will be constantly updated. feel free to get a middleman if you wish. Payment Mothods: PayPal Only. Pictures: Here
  4. FSX


    Hey! currently it’s heen down for a couple of days, so they are working on it. Currently there is no ETA, but I believe it should be back up soon. Could be today, tomorrow, or even next week. We don’t know unfortunately. Keep an eye on the cheat status here: https://chods-cheats.com/cheat-status/
  5. obviously make sure you have: Extra mags, ammo, and extra mag space in your rig to reload. but also try what @WRG has said. I do remember when i first got this game i had the same issue where R would not work and i had to manually take out the mag and put in a new one, could be a very rare bug in the game. Could also try a game restart. Hope this helped, Cheers!
  6. llol yeah say that on reddit. WE MADE IT BOIS
  7. FSX


    Rust VIP and Hybris (the public Rust Cheat) arew both down as they are updating / detected. i believe some players did get banned using Hybris lately so that is most likely why its down.
  8. What edition is it? what is in the stash? do you have the original email and pass so we can change credentials?
  9. Into fade is nice. Outro is nice. the "Chod's Cheats" text / font, looks generic to me, i would use a more clean font.
  10. FSX

    Whats up

    hey man, welcome!! Since your new, here are some link you might find helpful: Cheat Status (to make sure the cheat you want / have is online or not) Member Area (where to download your client for the cheats etc) Support Area (To get help from staff about any issues you may have!) Guides (list of guides for each of Chod's Cheats, very helpful to me) hope this will help, enjoy your stay buddy.
  11. not sure if you know, but gamma containers are going for 5 USD right now, and 1 mil is going for 0.35 cents USD. if you wanted to do a fair trade, you would need around 14 Million.
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