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Everything posted by Tryzo

  1. Hi I apologize for my English, I am French speaking, I have been here since January 3, 2019 , I hardly ever spoke in the forum or just to congratulate the work of a dev after an update. After testing a lot of cheese at chod, I never even post a review because of my English. So today I'm going to do a quick overall chod : Tarkov : excellent, never had a problem with, never banned despite the latest problems Apex : excellent, never had a problem with, never banned SEA : I wanted to test the chodwork, very good but I did not like the game Dayz : excellent, too bad we were quickly banned CS : I loved playing with cheese and no bans Squad : excellent, not banned yet Hunt : excellent too, never banned Mordhau : Some problem with the aimbot but otherwise excellent , never banned Deadside : I really liked it too bad there are not many players , never banned Dbd : What a pleasure to have playing with cheese! I loved , never banned Rust : excellent, I'm currently testing it and I plan to stay on it for a little while A short review but really I never had any problems with chod, To tell you before writing this I calculated how much cheese I bought and I'm 900 euros approximately more or less if I counted correctly The support must be very good I guess but I never had a problem so I can't say anything I hope this is all readable because I used google trad ^^ I sincerely congratulate the whole team I started chod and I will end up chod safety and quality
  2. Merci pour les nouvelles et le travail, vivement sa sortie.
  3. No matter the price for me , i would be happy if the price is high because it Will take away the bad guys and the cheese will last longer. Finally i think like this ^^
  4. 1 de plus aha , bienvenue
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