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Everything posted by RunningMan

  1. I think it would be cool if we got points when buying / renewing a subscription. I don't usually post much here but will ask questions in discord. Just my 2 cents.
  2. Technically no, it was down for months, came back for a big payday around Christmas, got instantly detected and has been back down ever since. Honestly at this point I don’t even care how long it stays undetected I’d just like to be able to use something. Seeing as last time it took months to only last an hour though it’s hard to have Hope that we’ll see a release before the next wipe.
  3. I agree, like last time when it took months and came back.. oh wait, it came back for less than a day.. you cant just assume that more time = more stable cheat. A company like battle eye may be letting a few people slide by with one type of cheat expecting to bring in a large haul of cheaters upon a public release. That way they get more money because of more people buying a new account.
  4. Does eft count? going on 3/4 of a year I think without cheese.
  5. Update, after looking around some more I found that there was a big ban wave yesterday for a few different cheat distributors. Apparently battle eye is not messing around and these people who have been banned have tried spoofing/reinstalling windows/formatting hd's and resetting router with a vpn and their new accounts are being insta banned as well..
  6. Decided today to try and find another provider until the eft cheese comes back online (if). After searching through some forums and finding one with many commenters with old accounts saying it is legit I go through an hour of trying to buy steam cards to make a transaction only for him to ghost and block me once I sent them. Even worse when I go to the site to comment saying he scammed someone else had just reported the same thing and the thread was closed.. Chod, I know that there is a very large chance I am going to buy the cheese and get banned or the cheese will be detected and it'll go down but I'd rather have those things than another crappy experience like that. Best of luck and I hope you have a great holiday!
  7. Sorry not meant to be complaining just trying to lighten your situation. Also, as this site doesn’t “pause” a subscription after a ban (expecting you to be able to purchase a new copy of game and continue playing same day) I do not expect them to pause your account because you’re going on vacation. As I stated your best bet would be to hope that it isn’t released until you are back.
  8. I wouldn’t worry about it as the cheese probably won’t be dropping until .13
  9. A lot of people on here are giving a lot of praise to battle eye. If it's as bad as many are stating then I should expect to not only pay a monthly fee for cheese but also a monthly standard edition for how often cheese will be detected and banned. I would think it that's the case then the cheese would cease to be practical. I'm hopeful that this cheese will succeed where the other providers have failed, because at the end of the day the price tag will demand that sort of security.
  10. To add onto this sentiment, I'd rather have a cheat that has been tested for a week or 2 to make sure it isn't being detected, than to pay 70$ the day it launches only to wake up the next day to a ban and the cheese being taken down for another few months with no refund. With a no refund policy you'd think more people would care that the cheat is stable instead of just wanting to rush the launch.
  11. So quick question, if what was stated earlier is true, "the cheese will more than likely release as esp only with other features added later" would it not be wise to wait to pay until more features are added? Or am I missing something where the original launch with limited features may be a lower price that is raised to the regular price once all features are added in?
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