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About HamsterGaming

  • Birthday July 24

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  1. Hey, I used to be active a ton here before doing some giveaways and stuff. I went away for a while because of school and that shit but I'm wondering what happened to the cheats? They all seem to be offline or private?
  2. I believe chod will pull that off for sure. Probably gonna reopen the shop next wipe
  3. How many people will continue playing EFT after BSG announced the new Anti cheat they are implementing to EFT
  4. What's the price range you are looking for? Just an estimated amount.
  5. ObiWanKenny has a good point. Ever since I started hacking in games, which has been a couple of years. I know for a fact that people take the advantage of hacking in games with a bad anti cheat a lot. EFT is one of those games, people get manually banned more than the anti cheat catches them, just like CSGO. Going a bit out of topic here so I'll stick to the main point, ObiWanKenny mentioned that there are no killcams so people just die to stupid reasons, but when you have hacks you can see if they start taking notice of you when you haven't even made a single sound or if they start aiming ridiculous corners before you even you peeked. And I have noticed that a lot, I have even wiggled through walls and people wiggle back to me, EFT is swarming with hackers right now due to their anti cheat and since it's late into the wipe and people only go against geared guys so they want to have the advantage. Basically, yes. People who hack in EFT have noticed a bunch of times that people are hacking against them.
  6. My stash account go banned recently and I'm looking to buy an account from someone. It can be the standard edition and we can try to make a deal on the price. Message me if you want to sell an account
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