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Everything posted by Kleaner

  1. Anime (I'm a filthy weeb): Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood One punch man Boku No Hero Academia (all seasons) Hajime no Ippo Gintama (hilarious after 20 episodes) Detective Conan Gurren Laggan (the feels) Danmachi Seven Deadly Sins Haikkyuu (must watch unless you absolutely hate sports)
  2. Thank you for your kind words! If you want to support even further https://chods-cheats.com/subscriptions/ maybe become a supporter! Cheers!
  3. Greetings! Try binding it to another key and see if it works Cheers!
  4. A man of culture I see ;)
  5. Kleaner


    Hey man, enjoy your stay! This community is super helpful!
  6. Yeah, due to a big ban wave, they want to see what they can do and what the future of this cheat my hold.
  7. Greetings! Yes this has been a issue for a good handful of players. Make sure you're only using 1x scopes and nothing more due to how Tarkov renders scenes also try tweaking with your fov and aimbot speed settings. Cheers!
  8. Hey, welcome! The hybris is currently down for updating and the other chest is invite only (which you can read more on under the support, faqs, rules and infractions
  9. I think it would be a pretty good but yeah, it’s protected by battle eye so might not happen. I know Chod wants to get some games without a solid anticheat up like Scum
  10. Greetings! Depending on what you're using to buy it (card and PayPal on this site always make the process longer for me for some reason) You might be asked to confirm your address and info (so take a picture of your mail with your name on it and send it to them). I personally recommend just getting it from one of the moderators selly.gg (I use faceless) since it's instant. Cheers!
  11. I personally haven't tried it because something about it just turns me off for some reason every time I pop into a streamer playing it could be that i'm burnt out on the BR genre though
  12. Hey guys, I'm Kleaner and you might have seen me roam around the forums and so. Today, following the Rust ban wave, I wanna give you guys just a quick heed of advice that I stupidly did not follow. If you see the status for that game hadn't changed at all, I recommend not playing it for a day or two, maybe even 3-4 since that's how long it actually for the recent ban wave apparently. So just watch for hotfixes in games or updates and don't follow the cheat status to heart since it's not 100% factual even without a update. Have a good one guys! Cheers!
  13. Just enjoy being here and the community and time flies
  14. Greetings! Enjoy your stay and take it easy, this community can be very helpful and easygoing. Cheers!
  15. Due to it being just released and already having a solid anticheat (EAC) and Chod would like to code games that don’t have that setup yet, scum, ROE, e.t.c :)
  16. Greetings! Nice video like the guy ^ said I think the front looks kind of cheap and would look great with the logo font but I really like the breaking animation for the text. Overall well done, Cheers!
  17. Welcome anyway! Enjoy your stay
  18. I think it's be cool as a public cheese but probably unrealistic since it's using EAC, though not as good as Rust's YET. All up to Chod
  19. Never too late! Enjoy your stay
  20. Enjoy your stay, you have a good friend
  21. Thanks for the kind words man! Enjoy your stay
  22. Kleaner


    A topic for people who want to find others to cheese with. Just right the game you want to find a group for. Sort of like this - LFG, Counterstrike (Additional) online weekends and friday!
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