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About kvisser1988

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  1. hello guys! sorry if this topic already exist, i tried to search for it but couldnt find none. i want to order the hunt cheese and i only can pay with PayPal. when does this get fixed ? it says couple of hours but thats what it said yesterday to. regards
  2. Had the same thing, thanks now i know it too
  3. I find it a bit unfair as i m a subscriber its also removed for me
  4. Maby yes to the 100gbp but with game insurance, you get banned, you get new account.
  5. Somwhere between 20 and 40 wil be afordable.
  6. Looks great! Can't wait to cheese the f out of eft
  7. Yup this is so common to me to.. scav run rocks than get a bit selfsure and go for pmc and bam get ass kicked
  8. Take the time guys for this mastercheese(piece) my wallet wil be ready when the cheese get sliced. Good luck on the work!
  9. hello chody's ! i m new to this.. tired of being pwned by hacks, now i want to be god. only need to figure out how to pay for the hoocks, regards
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