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About LudacrisSpeed

  • Birthday April 20

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  1. I was just wondering if it is (or was) possible to have an escape from Tarkov hack (like Chods), before or after BE, that would make your character create no sound. No footsteps, sprinting, reloading, healing, maybe not so much shooting as that seems like it’d be an easy way to get detected, but mostly just footsteps to enemy players. Just a shower thought I had recently and thought I’d ask here in hopes of getting a response from Chod or anyone exactly what IS and ISN’T possible, and why (without revealing anything detrimental to anyone of course). I know very little about creating game hacks so any earnest contribution is appreciated.
  2. I have the same thing. Has anyone had any experience with what this means as far as HWID or IP bans in game? I'm assuming that if that pops up on the website, then you will likely be banned if you use that IP to log into launcher?? Though, I have gotten that message intermittently since joining Chods x year/s ago and no issues using same IP for launcher & game, so a bit of mixed results. Anyone else?
  3. Interested if still available. $65 paypal, middleman, ill eat the ~$5 fees.
  4. @ubzei still for sale? why you getting rid of the account?
  5. Good with using middleman until email transfers? *edit-by middleman I mean one of the chods forum middlemen....not like a paid service.
  6. Is country change (to USA) possible? (i know its possible account wise, but curious more about game lisences/having that much in different currency Steam wallet)
  7. “No ETA’s/Chod is working on cheese and it will be back” <wild speculations made: circlejerk ensues> Repeat the Mods/staff have the patience of saints...
  8. Super excited for a release. @Feary any word on sub price yet? I understand it will increase, just curious if any numbers have been suggested or decided on? Thanks for the update!! EDIT- Nevermind, just saw Apex as base, but nothing decided. Probably shoulda read before asking.
  9. I can’t tell if you are joking or not. Source? Just from past BSG hijinks I must ask.
  10. What does “streamer_even=true,false” mean? I know essentially nothing about programming, just curious. ?
  11. Sorry everyone. Both accounts have money in middleman waiting for email transfer. Thanks everyone.
  12. Both accounts are currently spoken for (again). Just waiting to hear back from middleman. Will update. FYI: If an account becomes available I’m going to go by comments in thread. (First come, first serve) I’ll pm you, just post to thread if you’re interested. Thanks.
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