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About Uckerfay

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  1. wait, what? explain this to me like im stupid, because i dont get this. i also got a ban message, but no email?
  2. Never ceases to amaze me the amount of entitlement that people have. Gotta deal with battle eye and a crazy amount of updates. The game is also in beta' which means it will have more updates than a fully released game would, which unfortunately means more down time. The people who know it's worth the wait, will wait patiently, others will move on. And yeah, its unfortunate that it is so much more expensive. But if it works like it should, it will well be worth the price. I for one think 50 pounds a month is worth it for endless hours of entertainment.
  3. Also, you have to remember, this game is still in BETA. When it is finally released, whenever that may happen, updates will be much fewer and farther between. So while it may be difficult, and not have much time between updates to cheese, it's all temporary. Eventually, we will have our time.
  4. Well, I can't argue with that. That is very honest for a business. Especially when dealing with something like cheats. I'm sure many know that other providers would jump at the opportunity of more money, for any reason. One of the many reasons that Chod is the only provider that will have my business.
  5. Ok, good to know. Not asking for ETA on the cheat, I'm patient, but will there be an option to preorder the cheese? I'm sure many of us would be happy to support before its out.
  6. Yeah, it seems that way.i donated last night in case that was the case. Thanks for the confirmation. Not that I do it for rewards, but is there a badge for donations over a certain amount?
  7. I'm sure Chod and the team here take precautions, but sometimes I wish the forums were locked to outsiders.
  8. Love you all so much, goes out to all of you here at Chods, from the big man himself, to the administration and moderators. Best group of cheesers around. You all make my free time so much more fun. Also, I'd love to be a supporter again, am I blind, or is that still an option?
  9. Looking forward to purchasing my new SUB as soon as it goes online. TAKE YOUR TIME. we want the best, and the safest cheese we can get. that's why we come to YOU! Keep up the work, never doubted ya!
  10. I believe this is a case of misunderstanding. I believe the "no support" relates only to users trying to find support through the shoutbox. and not to the other routes that one may find support through.
  11. Asking for screenshots... Tricky tricky Nikita...
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