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  1. I am genuinely very excited to see what is going to happen and how it is going to work. Keep up the amazing work lads! I also know how long and tiresome programming can take. Finishing up my major in cybersecurity this year! Let's embrace the headache's ones again haha. Yours Sincerely,
  2. I have but that was a long time ago. I don't think it matters anymore. 25£
  3. Dear Reader, I am selling my standard edition EFT account. It already has stuff and lvl's on it so i wish to negotiate on the price a little bit. Its a perfect way to start out tarkov. Middleman required. PM me for negotiation. Yours Sincerely,
  4. As the title suggests, i am looking for a standard edition EU account. I want to use a middleman. PM me for negotiation
  5. Welcome to the community bro
  6. Welcome to the community!
  7. -x-

    Hello There

    Welcome to the community!
  8. -x-


    Weclome to chods buddy
  9. Welcome bud. Enjoy your stay
  10. I think you can get these aqounts cheaper on other sites that specializes in it.
  11. -x-


    Thanks you for the kind words
  12. -x-

    Please explain

    Happends so much honestly. Tarkov has bad moments xd
  13. Hello, I am looking for a tarkov standard edition account. I'd prefer to use a middleman. We will negotiate the price via private conversation. Pm me on the forums for contact details. With kind regards,
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