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LordSmitty last won the day on May 26 2020

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  1. sooooo any chance this cheat request is gonna go through? I haven't seen much activity from admin/dev so i thought id make another post on it
  2. There are suppliers for every cheat if chods based their cheat making decisions based on if someone has done it or not then they wouldn't be in business, people come to them for their cheats because of their efforts towards security and quality making them better then other sellers.
  3. To start a highly detailed esp would be the first thing id say because in the game there is a plethora of resources to find and a quality system so not only would you need esp to see where resources are at for early game eventually you would need to find high quality nodes which are far and few between. Not only would you need to find resources but seeing enemy ships before they become a problem would be a great advantage if you are out manned, along with being able to see where any chests or hidden building pieces are on map to be able to find peoples secret stashes of loot. While on the topic of esp there also things called fragment sites which are where you find fragments they are the way you learn every blueprint in last oasis there is about 9 different fragment sites that yield different amounts and require you to do different stuff to get them but there are only two sites that yield high frags i believe this frag sites are called hot spots as their class id code so being able to identify with esp which hotspot i was going to would be helpful and i would know which to hit and which to avoid to maximize profit. Within the hotspots there is a 10th one and that is not a frag site but it is a small ancient fabricator which allows you to turn fragments into tablets which allow you to learn end game bp's therefore being able to see which hotspots to go to would be greatly helpful in finding these fabricators. Next, there is about 4-5 different ship weapons that could use aimbot to their advantage along with that the grapple in the game slows players if you grapple them so aimbot could be helpful for winning pvp fights, the melee system is similar to a For Honor system where that you can see where you opponent is swinging from before they land a hit so maybe a auto-block feature, theres a grapple that you never lose once you craft and it allows you to traverse the maps at high speed at the cost of your stamina so a infinite stamina feature could be useful. As you mentioned speedhack i wouldnt say thats the best idea because once the game properly implements EAC speedhackers will get banned quite quick if its anything like rust. Im not saying that last oasis would have a giant menu of features but it has a much larger player base and much larger demand in comparison to deadside.
  4. Just wondering why is dev team wasting time on a game with less then a 10k playerbase and no AC at all. When this thread has 3x the views of the sub giveaway and no one asked for a deadside cheat. Not trying to sound ungrateful to chods team and maybe this is a bad take, but that game aint it chief
  5. Sorry to everyone who messaged me and i havent been able to get back to for exploits had some family irl stuff going on so i havent been on. For the time being most of the exploits i was using are patched out but there are still some. However to reduce leaks of exploits, im just gonna be responding to long time chods members or people with high rep/post count. I still hope we can get a cheat going for this game has so much potential.
  6. Right now you can use cheat engine on game cuz there is no AC at all so if u want to have infinite ammo/stam and speed hack you can just do that.
  7. Also if anyone wants to see some exploits for the game while we wait on response from dev team you can pm me on here.
  8. Just a heads up to people on dev team who might consider making a cheat for the game, currently the EAC that comes with game isnt properly implemented because you can literally just stop the eac process/make it not even launch and keep playing so making a cheat would be really easy right now because theres no AC lol
  9. There's a new survival game out called Last Oasis its on the unreal engine and is backed by the EAC Anti-Cheat. Was wondering if there was any consideration on making a cheat for it. Game seems like it has high potential equivalent to rust or ark. Since you guys have a rust and apex cheat id assume it wouldn't be all that much of a problem getting past EAC once more. Heres a video of game:
  10. Hey all, I'm currently selling any and all items and eft, i dont have a price set on everything but we can negotiate a price for sure. Highlights of things i have are Red keycards, Thicc cases, sicc cases and any key along plenty of roubles. I also am willing to boost you through runs to complete tasks and what not for a price. For a listing of some prices i charge 1.5$ USD for 1mil. 30$ for a red keycard. 16$ for thicc icase 7.50$ for thicc weapon case 5$ for a sicc case Depending on what you're buying and how much you're spending a discount can potentially be negotiated. I've been apart of this community for a minute now, since July of 2018 while everyone waits for the EFT cheese to return to chods id like to offer yall the ability to still get ahead in the game for a price ?. For any and all information either pm me on this site or contact me on discord. OG | LordSmitty#8791
  11. Game: Rainbow six siege Engine: AnvilNext Reason: R6 has raised in popularity over the past years and with its competitive scene would for a very interesting time if chods could develop a well made cheat for it. AC: Battleye
  12. Game: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Engine: IW Engine/ id tech 3 Reason: Call of duty is one of pc's most played games and would bring a whole new plethora of customers to the chods family AC: Battle net warden AC / COD tac anti cheat
  13. Thats not exactly the case the cheat could have been solid for that build of EFT but when the update dropped the cheat didnt go down quick enough to the new build of EFT so people played even though a new update had just dropped and then got banned, really should never play a game w cheat right after an update and there hasnt been a post on if its safe for latest game update, all of it was poor timing.
  14. They put cheat online right before EFT had a major update which people then prolly tried to use cheat after big update and got banned if there were any bans i would assume thats what happened.
  15. Just cause BSG puts out updates that doesn’t set chods back like it used to, bsg doesn’t handle anti cheat updates anymore that’s handled by battle-eye so most of these updates being pushed out by BSG are hot fixes for new update so just cause they update their game doesn’t mean chods has to go down every time like before.
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