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Everything posted by GermanWars

  1. ok thank you, i will try it with this name if the cheese is back up
  2. im looking for some Ophthalmoscope´s can someone tell me the damn name of it? it isnt in the loot filter with the orginal name so what is it named then?
  3. is the item service still avalible? would like to get some items
  4. Isnt a crime to want more right? I got 2 offers off 70€s so you can bid out each other or deal with eachother. Otherwise i will flip a coin.
  5. Im looking for an eft Standard Account for the eu. Unbanned, cheesed or not dosn't matter. I will cheese as long it's not banned idc for that. Chrismas items would be nice, if not it's fine too. Only with middelsman!
  6. Im selling an eod Account from the eu.
  7. Im selling an Account meeting all reqirements. Please pm me if you are intrested. here is the link to my wts/wtt offer
  8. The deal isn't off yet. Please send me an pm with your price. I got an offer im really happy about.
  9. Im selling an eod Account from the eu. Never cheesed on, the chrismas items are there and its not banned.
  10. you mean the itemcase, m4, ak and the keytool? should be there. yep is there just checked it.
  11. hey, im selling/trading an EFT eod eu version, i was expecting like 70€, or an standard edition (eu) and 3 month´s of the cheese. the trade will only go on with an middlesman. btw its not an new account. never used cheese before.
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