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About michelley

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  1. I will pay 80 confirmed. Call it a done deal if that’s what you want
  2. He never responded to me, I think he forgot or something
  3. They were up for about 2-3 weeks -M
  4. As someone who has one, it’s definitely worth it, but to make custom flash drives and flash drive cases takes time. I’m sure chod is restocking as fast as he can -M
  5. Since I am interested, I am just making it known as such here, but I will PM you with more details
  6. When was the account purchased/what region?
  7. Quite essentially the topic listing. I would like to purchase an account from before the Christmas update, with the region set to Europe. If the region can not be met, I will personally pay BSG for region unlock. PM me with any offers (and before faceless reminds us, we will be using an official middle man trader) -M
  8. I am willing to do 70 if you give me 3.5 hours
  9. This was taken care of already, but thank you for showing concern -M
  10. If you would check above, it was a bid, it ended yesterday, I won for 67 but I am being a swell dude and giving him 70
  11. Yes it is because I played myself Edit: wait a minute, what region is this set to?
  12. OOf, beating order 66? I will tap that with a 67, just to be cheeki breeki
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