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Everything posted by GeraltOfRivia

  1. The playerbase has grown alot since they have been pushing patches out left and right. Personally, thats the kind of game I would cheat on, it ruins the main experience. (But dont all cheats for all games?) I kind of hope chod doesn't make a cheat for this game lmao.
  2. My friend got banned for "accidentally enabling a superfast shooting macro used in rust". So I think their is very little and basic anti-cheat in the game because he got instantly banned right after the raid he used the macro in.
  3. Anyone legitimately interested in purchasing please refer to this section of the forums on how to use a middleman, who the official middlemen are etc. Middlemen help prevent scam and fraud. https://chods-cheats.com/forums/forum/121-middleman/
  4. Just a fair warning, email transfers take 2 weeks on tarkov accounts, nothing anyone can do about it, it is set within the system. We highly recommend you use a middleman for any purchase. We had 2 users recently scammed due to not doing so. Please refer to the link below on information about middlemen. https://chods-cheats.com/forums/forum/121-middleman/ Also please be wary of the following region locks.
  5. Just a fair warning, email transfers take 2 weeks on tarkov accounts, nothing anyone can do about it, it is set within the system. Anyone legitimately interested in purchasing please refer to this section of the forums on how to use a middleman, who the official middlemen are etc. https://chods-cheats.com/forums/forum/121-middleman/ Also please be wary of the following region locks.
  6. Welcome! In order to become VIP and get access to invite only cheats you must do the following. Be active on forums Be active on discord Contribute to Chods-Cheats
  7. Welcome man! Enjoy your stay and if you have any questions feel free to ask me via PM!
  8. Welcome! Enjoy your stay!
  9. Yes. It is invite only. Check the FAQ on how to get invited.
  10. 1 word. Tarkov. Well, I guess that was 3 words and now more... That didnt work. The community aswell.
  11. Welcome and thanks for donating. I hear that they have been getting some good pizza from donations.
  12. Welcome buddy! In order to get access to the invite only cheats you must simply contribute to Christ Cheats!
  13. Welcome! I think there are a few people from Germany here, just gotta spot them!
  14. It’s a good idea, they could use the chat box though.
  15. Discord link sent via PM. Welcome!
  16. In order to have access to VIP AKA Invite Only Cheats you must do the following; Be active on forums Be active on discord Contribute to Chods-Cheats Considering that you have 0 posts besides this one, you are a long way. A staff member will invite you to the discord through PM however.
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