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Everything posted by Yoshy

  1. Good luck everyone! I would like to have APEX Legends.
  2. As far as i understand it, having more users does not automatically mean you get detected faster or more easily. There is no difference in having 10 people use the same cheat or 1000 in terms of "detection". I think we all know that BE is totally aware of chods and many other providers. It´s more dependend on how skilled the coder is in hiding rather than how many people do hack. I also heared rumors that BE buys cheats and tries to reverse engineer them to detect their function and ban the users but i can`t confirm that. (Friend of mine is a coder for another rather big csgo cheese provider and he once told me that they had a customer who tried to use their hacks on different big servers located at the same area as BE ^^)
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